@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
+//! CDK lightning backend for LND
+// Copyright (c) 2023 Steffen (MIT)
+use std::path::PathBuf;
+use std::pin::Pin;
+use std::str::FromStr;
+use std::sync::Arc;
+use anyhow::anyhow;
+use async_trait::async_trait;
+use cdk::amount::Amount;
+use cdk::cdk_lightning::{
+ self, to_unit, CreateInvoiceResponse, MintLightning, MintMeltSettings, PayInvoiceResponse,
+ PaymentQuoteResponse, Settings, MSAT_IN_SAT,
+use cdk::mint::FeeReserve;
+use cdk::nuts::{CurrencyUnit, MeltQuoteBolt11Request, MeltQuoteState, MintQuoteState};
+use cdk::util::{hex, unix_time};
+use cdk::{mint, Bolt11Invoice};
+use error::Error;
+use fedimint_tonic_lnd::lnrpc::fee_limit::Limit;
+use fedimint_tonic_lnd::lnrpc::FeeLimit;
+use fedimint_tonic_lnd::Client;
+use futures::{Stream, StreamExt};
+use tokio::sync::Mutex;
+pub mod error;
+/// Lnd mint backend
+pub struct Lnd {
+ address: String,
+ cert_file: PathBuf,
+ macaroon_file: PathBuf,
+ client: Arc<Mutex<Client>>,
+ fee_reserve: FeeReserve,
+ mint_settings: MintMeltSettings,
+ melt_settings: MintMeltSettings,
+impl Lnd {
+ /// Create new [`Lnd`]
+ pub async fn new(
+ address: String,
+ cert_file: PathBuf,
+ macaroon_file: PathBuf,
+ fee_reserve: FeeReserve,
+ mint_settings: MintMeltSettings,
+ melt_settings: MintMeltSettings,
+ ) -> Result<Self, Error> {
+ let client = fedimint_tonic_lnd::connect(address.to_string(), &cert_file, &macaroon_file)
+ .await
+ .map_err(|err| {
+ tracing::error!("Connection error: {}", err.to_string());
+ Error::Connection
+ })?;
+ Ok(Self {
+ address,
+ cert_file,
+ macaroon_file,
+ client: Arc::new(Mutex::new(client)),
+ fee_reserve,
+ mint_settings,
+ melt_settings,
+ })
+ }
+impl MintLightning for Lnd {
+ type Err = cdk_lightning::Error;
+ fn get_settings(&self) -> Settings {
+ Settings {
+ mpp: true,
+ unit: CurrencyUnit::Msat,
+ mint_settings: self.mint_settings,
+ melt_settings: self.melt_settings,
+ }
+ }
+ async fn wait_any_invoice(
+ &self,
+ ) -> Result<Pin<Box<dyn Stream<Item = String> + Send>>, Self::Err> {
+ let mut client =
+ fedimint_tonic_lnd::connect(self.address.clone(), &self.cert_file, &self.macaroon_file)
+ .await
+ .map_err(|_| Error::Connection)?;
+ let stream_req = fedimint_tonic_lnd::lnrpc::InvoiceSubscription {
+ add_index: 0,
+ settle_index: 0,
+ };
+ let stream = client
+ .lightning()
+ .subscribe_invoices(stream_req)
+ .await
+ .unwrap()
+ .into_inner();
+ Ok(futures::stream::unfold(stream, |mut stream| async move {
+ match stream.message().await {
+ Ok(Some(msg)) => {
+ if msg.state == 1 {
+ Some((hex::encode(msg.r_hash), stream))
+ } else {
+ None
+ }
+ }
+ Ok(None) => None, // End of stream
+ Err(_) => None, // Handle errors gracefully, ends the stream on error
+ }
+ })
+ .boxed())
+ }
+ async fn get_payment_quote(
+ &self,
+ melt_quote_request: &MeltQuoteBolt11Request,
+ ) -> Result<PaymentQuoteResponse, Self::Err> {
+ let invoice_amount_msat = melt_quote_request
+ .request
+ .amount_milli_satoshis()
+ .ok_or(Error::UnknownInvoiceAmount)?;
+ let amount = to_unit(
+ invoice_amount_msat,
+ &CurrencyUnit::Msat,
+ &melt_quote_request.unit,
+ )?;
+ let relative_fee_reserve =
+ (self.fee_reserve.percent_fee_reserve * u64::from(amount) as f32) as u64;
+ let absolute_fee_reserve: u64 = self.fee_reserve.min_fee_reserve.into();
+ let fee = match relative_fee_reserve > absolute_fee_reserve {
+ true => relative_fee_reserve,
+ false => absolute_fee_reserve,
+ };
+ Ok(PaymentQuoteResponse {
+ request_lookup_id: melt_quote_request.request.payment_hash().to_string(),
+ amount,
+ fee: fee.into(),
+ state: MeltQuoteState::Unpaid,
+ })
+ }
+ async fn pay_invoice(
+ &self,
+ melt_quote: mint::MeltQuote,
+ partial_amount: Option<Amount>,
+ max_fee: Option<Amount>,
+ ) -> Result<PayInvoiceResponse, Self::Err> {
+ let payment_request = melt_quote.request;
+ let pay_req = fedimint_tonic_lnd::lnrpc::SendRequest {
+ payment_request,
+ fee_limit: max_fee.map(|f| {
+ let limit = Limit::Fixed(u64::from(f) as i64);
+ FeeLimit { limit: Some(limit) }
+ }),
+ amt_msat: partial_amount
+ .map(|a| {
+ let msat = to_unit(a, &melt_quote.unit, &CurrencyUnit::Msat).unwrap();
+ u64::from(msat) as i64
+ })
+ .unwrap_or_default(),
+ ..Default::default()
+ };
+ let payment_response = self
+ .client
+ .lock()
+ .await
+ .lightning()
+ .send_payment_sync(fedimint_tonic_lnd::tonic::Request::new(pay_req))
+ .await
+ .unwrap()
+ .into_inner();
+ let total_spent = payment_response
+ .payment_route
+ .map_or(0, |route| route.total_fees_msat / MSAT_IN_SAT as i64)
+ as u64;
+ Ok(PayInvoiceResponse {
+ payment_hash: hex::encode(payment_response.payment_hash),
+ payment_preimage: Some(hex::encode(payment_response.payment_preimage)),
+ status: MeltQuoteState::Pending,
+ total_spent: total_spent.into(),
+ })
+ }
+ async fn create_invoice(
+ &self,
+ amount: Amount,
+ unit: &CurrencyUnit,
+ description: String,
+ unix_expiry: u64,
+ ) -> Result<CreateInvoiceResponse, Self::Err> {
+ let time_now = unix_time();
+ assert!(unix_expiry > time_now);
+ let amount = to_unit(amount, unit, &CurrencyUnit::Msat)?;
+ let invoice_request = fedimint_tonic_lnd::lnrpc::Invoice {
+ value_msat: u64::from(amount) as i64,
+ memo: description,
+ ..Default::default()
+ };
+ let invoice = self
+ .client
+ .lock()
+ .await
+ .lightning()
+ .add_invoice(fedimint_tonic_lnd::tonic::Request::new(invoice_request))
+ .await
+ .unwrap()
+ .into_inner();
+ let bolt11 = Bolt11Invoice::from_str(&invoice.payment_request)?;
+ Ok(CreateInvoiceResponse {
+ request_lookup_id: bolt11.payment_hash().to_string(),
+ request: bolt11,
+ expiry: Some(unix_expiry),
+ })
+ }
+ async fn check_invoice_status(
+ &self,
+ request_lookup_id: &str,
+ ) -> Result<MintQuoteState, Self::Err> {
+ let invoice_request = fedimint_tonic_lnd::lnrpc::PaymentHash {
+ r_hash: hex::decode(request_lookup_id).unwrap(),
+ ..Default::default()
+ };
+ let invoice = self
+ .client
+ .lock()
+ .await
+ .lightning()
+ .lookup_invoice(fedimint_tonic_lnd::tonic::Request::new(invoice_request))
+ .await
+ .unwrap()
+ .into_inner();
+ match invoice.state {
+ // Open
+ 0 => Ok(MintQuoteState::Unpaid),
+ // Settled
+ 1 => Ok(MintQuoteState::Paid),
+ // Canceled
+ 2 => Ok(MintQuoteState::Unpaid),
+ // Accepted
+ 3 => Ok(MintQuoteState::Unpaid),
+ _ => Err(Self::Err::Anyhow(anyhow!("Invalid status"))),
+ }
+ }