#6 Personal relayer

cesar 2-ийг cesar/personal-relayer-оос cesar/main руу нэгтгэхийг хүсэлт
Cesar Rodas санал үлдээсэн 3 сар өмнө

Create a personal relayer which is an extension on top of the relayer that fetches content from the given set of accounts and any content these accounts would be interested in (their followers, etc. etc.).

This will also be the latest crate that most people would be interested in running, a personal relayer instead of an open relayer.

Create a personal relayer which is an extension on top of the relayer that fetches content from the given set of accounts and any content these accounts would be interested in (their followers, etc. etc.). This will also be the latest crate that most people would be interested in running, a personal relayer instead of an open relayer.
Энэхүү татах хүсэлтийг автоматаар нэгтгэх боломжтой.
Энэ хэлэлцүүлгэнд нэгдэхийн тулт та нэвтэрнэ үү.
Үе шат заахгүй
Хариуцагч байхгүй
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