123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402 |
- source tests/support/cli.tcl
- if {$::singledb} {
- set ::dbnum 0
- } else {
- set ::dbnum 9
- }
- start_server {tags {"cli"}} {
- proc open_cli {{opts ""} {infile ""}} {
- if { $opts == "" } {
- set opts "-n $::dbnum"
- }
- set ::env(TERM) dumb
- set cmdline [rediscli [srv host] [srv port] $opts]
- if {$infile ne ""} {
- set cmdline "$cmdline < $infile"
- set mode "r"
- } else {
- set mode "r+"
- }
- set fd [open "|$cmdline" $mode]
- fconfigure $fd -buffering none
- fconfigure $fd -blocking false
- fconfigure $fd -translation binary
- set _ $fd
- }
- proc close_cli {fd} {
- close $fd
- }
- proc read_cli {fd} {
- set ret [read $fd]
- while {[string length $ret] == 0} {
- after 10
- set ret [read $fd]
- }
- # We may have a short read, try to read some more.
- set empty_reads 0
- while {$empty_reads < 5} {
- set buf [read $fd]
- if {[string length $buf] == 0} {
- after 10
- incr empty_reads
- } else {
- append ret $buf
- set empty_reads 0
- }
- }
- return $ret
- }
- proc write_cli {fd buf} {
- puts $fd $buf
- flush $fd
- }
- # Helpers to run tests in interactive mode
- proc format_output {output} {
- set _ [string trimright [regsub -all "\r" $output ""] "\n"]
- }
- proc run_command {fd cmd} {
- write_cli $fd $cmd
- set _ [format_output [read_cli $fd]]
- }
- proc test_interactive_cli {name code} {
- set ::env(FAKETTY) 1
- set fd [open_cli]
- test "Interactive CLI: $name" $code
- close_cli $fd
- unset ::env(FAKETTY)
- }
- # Helpers to run tests where stdout is not a tty
- proc write_tmpfile {contents} {
- set tmp [tmpfile "cli"]
- set tmpfd [open $tmp "w"]
- puts -nonewline $tmpfd $contents
- close $tmpfd
- set _ $tmp
- }
- proc _run_cli {host port db opts args} {
- set cmd [rediscli $host $port [list -n $db {*}$args]]
- foreach {key value} $opts {
- if {$key eq "pipe"} {
- set cmd "sh -c \"$value | $cmd\""
- }
- if {$key eq "path"} {
- set cmd "$cmd < $value"
- }
- }
- set fd [open "|$cmd" "r"]
- fconfigure $fd -buffering none
- fconfigure $fd -translation binary
- set resp [read $fd 1048576]
- close $fd
- set _ [format_output $resp]
- }
- proc run_cli {args} {
- _run_cli [srv host] [srv port] $::dbnum {} {*}$args
- }
- proc run_cli_with_input_pipe {cmd args} {
- _run_cli [srv host] [srv port] $::dbnum [list pipe $cmd] -x {*}$args
- }
- proc run_cli_with_input_file {path args} {
- _run_cli [srv host] [srv port] $::dbnum [list path $path] -x {*}$args
- }
- proc run_cli_host_port_db {host port db args} {
- _run_cli $host $port $db {} {*}$args
- }
- proc test_nontty_cli {name code} {
- test "Non-interactive non-TTY CLI: $name" $code
- }
- # Helpers to run tests where stdout is a tty (fake it)
- proc test_tty_cli {name code} {
- set ::env(FAKETTY) 1
- test "Non-interactive TTY CLI: $name" $code
- unset ::env(FAKETTY)
- }
- test_interactive_cli "INFO response should be printed raw" {
- set lines [split [run_command $fd info] "\n"]
- foreach line $lines {
- if {![regexp {^$|^#|^[^#:]+:} $line]} {
- fail "Malformed info line: $line"
- }
- }
- }
- test_interactive_cli "Status reply" {
- assert_equal "OK" [run_command $fd "set key foo"]
- }
- test_interactive_cli "Integer reply" {
- assert_equal "(integer) 1" [run_command $fd "incr counter"]
- }
- test_interactive_cli "Bulk reply" {
- r set key foo
- assert_equal "\"foo\"" [run_command $fd "get key"]
- }
- test_interactive_cli "Multi-bulk reply" {
- r rpush list foo
- r rpush list bar
- assert_equal "1) \"foo\"\n2) \"bar\"" [run_command $fd "lrange list 0 -1"]
- }
- test_interactive_cli "Parsing quotes" {
- assert_equal "OK" [run_command $fd "set key \"bar\""]
- assert_equal "bar" [r get key]
- assert_equal "OK" [run_command $fd "set key \" bar \""]
- assert_equal " bar " [r get key]
- assert_equal "OK" [run_command $fd "set key \"\\\"bar\\\"\""]
- assert_equal "\"bar\"" [r get key]
- assert_equal "OK" [run_command $fd "set key \"\tbar\t\""]
- assert_equal "\tbar\t" [r get key]
- # invalid quotation
- assert_equal "Invalid argument(s)" [run_command $fd "get \"\"key"]
- assert_equal "Invalid argument(s)" [run_command $fd "get \"key\"x"]
- # quotes after the argument are weird, but should be allowed
- assert_equal "OK" [run_command $fd "set key\"\" bar"]
- assert_equal "bar" [r get key]
- }
- test_tty_cli "Status reply" {
- assert_equal "OK" [run_cli set key bar]
- assert_equal "bar" [r get key]
- }
- test_tty_cli "Integer reply" {
- r del counter
- assert_equal "(integer) 1" [run_cli incr counter]
- }
- test_tty_cli "Bulk reply" {
- r set key "tab\tnewline\n"
- assert_equal "\"tab\\tnewline\\n\"" [run_cli get key]
- }
- test_tty_cli "Multi-bulk reply" {
- r del list
- r rpush list foo
- r rpush list bar
- assert_equal "1) \"foo\"\n2) \"bar\"" [run_cli lrange list 0 -1]
- }
- test_tty_cli "Read last argument from pipe" {
- assert_equal "OK" [run_cli_with_input_pipe "echo foo" set key]
- assert_equal "foo\n" [r get key]
- }
- test_tty_cli "Read last argument from file" {
- set tmpfile [write_tmpfile "from file"]
- assert_equal "OK" [run_cli_with_input_file $tmpfile set key]
- assert_equal "from file" [r get key]
- file delete $tmpfile
- }
- test_nontty_cli "Status reply" {
- assert_equal "OK" [run_cli set key bar]
- assert_equal "bar" [r get key]
- }
- test_nontty_cli "Integer reply" {
- r del counter
- assert_equal "1" [run_cli incr counter]
- }
- test_nontty_cli "Bulk reply" {
- r set key "tab\tnewline\n"
- assert_equal "tab\tnewline" [run_cli get key]
- }
- test_nontty_cli "Multi-bulk reply" {
- r del list
- r rpush list foo
- r rpush list bar
- assert_equal "foo\nbar" [run_cli lrange list 0 -1]
- }
- if {!$::tls} { ;# fake_redis_node doesn't support TLS
- test_nontty_cli "ASK redirect test" {
- # Set up two fake Redis nodes.
- set tclsh [info nameofexecutable]
- set script "tests/helpers/fake_redis_node.tcl"
- set port1 [find_available_port $::baseport $::portcount]
- set port2 [find_available_port $::baseport $::portcount]
- set p1 [exec $tclsh $script $port1 \
- "SET foo bar" "-ASK 12182$port2" &]
- set p2 [exec $tclsh $script $port2 \
- "ASKING" "+OK" \
- "SET foo bar" "+OK" &]
- # Make sure both fake nodes have started listening
- wait_for_condition 50 50 {
- [catch {close [socket "" $port1]}] == 0 && \
- [catch {close [socket "" $port2]}] == 0
- } else {
- fail "Failed to start fake Redis nodes"
- }
- # Run the cli
- assert_equal "OK" [run_cli_host_port_db "" $port1 0 -c SET foo bar]
- }
- }
- test_nontty_cli "Quoted input arguments" {
- r set "\x00\x00" "value"
- assert_equal "value" [run_cli --quoted-input get {"\x00\x00"}]
- }
- test_nontty_cli "No accidental unquoting of input arguments" {
- run_cli --quoted-input set {"\x41\x41"} quoted-val
- run_cli set {"\x41\x41"} unquoted-val
- assert_equal "quoted-val" [r get AA]
- assert_equal "unquoted-val" [r get {"\x41\x41"}]
- }
- test_nontty_cli "Invalid quoted input arguments" {
- catch {run_cli --quoted-input set {"Unterminated}} err
- assert_match {*exited abnormally*} $err
- # A single arg that unquotes to two arguments is also not expected
- catch {run_cli --quoted-input set {"arg1" "arg2"}} err
- assert_match {*exited abnormally*} $err
- }
- test_nontty_cli "Read last argument from pipe" {
- assert_equal "OK" [run_cli_with_input_pipe "echo foo" set key]
- assert_equal "foo\n" [r get key]
- }
- test_nontty_cli "Read last argument from file" {
- set tmpfile [write_tmpfile "from file"]
- assert_equal "OK" [run_cli_with_input_file $tmpfile set key]
- assert_equal "from file" [r get key]
- file delete $tmpfile
- }
- proc test_redis_cli_rdb_dump {} {
- r flushdb
- set dir [lindex [r config get dir] 1]
- assert_equal "OK" [r debug populate 100000 key 1000]
- catch {run_cli --rdb "$dir/cli.rdb"} output
- assert_match {*Transfer finished with success*} $output
- file delete "$dir/dump.rdb"
- file rename "$dir/cli.rdb" "$dir/dump.rdb"
- assert_equal "OK" [r set should-not-exist 1]
- assert_equal "OK" [r debug reload nosave]
- assert_equal {} [r get should-not-exist]
- }
- test "Dumping an RDB" {
- # Disk-based master
- assert_match "OK" [r config set repl-diskless-sync no]
- test_redis_cli_rdb_dump
- # Disk-less master
- assert_match "OK" [r config set repl-diskless-sync yes]
- assert_match "OK" [r config set repl-diskless-sync-delay 0]
- test_redis_cli_rdb_dump
- } {} {needs:repl}
- test "Scan mode" {
- r flushdb
- populate 1000 key: 1
- # basic use
- assert_equal 1000 [llength [split [run_cli --scan]]]
- # pattern
- assert_equal {key:2} [run_cli --scan --pattern "*:2"]
- # pattern matching with a quoted string
- assert_equal {key:2} [run_cli --scan --quoted-pattern {"*:\x32"}]
- }
- proc test_redis_cli_repl {} {
- set fd [open_cli "--replica"]
- wait_for_condition 500 100 {
- [string match {*slave0:*state=online*} [r info]]
- } else {
- fail "redis-cli --replica did not connect"
- }
- for {set i 0} {$i < 100} {incr i} {
- r set test-key test-value-$i
- }
- wait_for_condition 500 100 {
- [string match {*test-value-99*} [read_cli $fd]]
- } else {
- fail "redis-cli --replica didn't read commands"
- }
- fconfigure $fd -blocking true
- r client kill type slave
- catch { close_cli $fd } err
- assert_match {*Server closed the connection*} $err
- }
- test "Connecting as a replica" {
- # Disk-based master
- assert_match "OK" [r config set repl-diskless-sync no]
- test_redis_cli_repl
- # Disk-less master
- assert_match "OK" [r config set repl-diskless-sync yes]
- assert_match "OK" [r config set repl-diskless-sync-delay 0]
- test_redis_cli_repl
- } {} {needs:repl}
- test "Piping raw protocol" {
- set cmds [tmpfile "cli_cmds"]
- set cmds_fd [open $cmds "w"]
- set cmds_count 2101
- if {!$::singledb} {
- puts $cmds_fd [formatCommand select 9]
- incr cmds_count
- }
- puts $cmds_fd [formatCommand del test-counter]
- for {set i 0} {$i < 1000} {incr i} {
- puts $cmds_fd [formatCommand incr test-counter]
- puts $cmds_fd [formatCommand set large-key [string repeat "x" 20000]]
- }
- for {set i 0} {$i < 100} {incr i} {
- puts $cmds_fd [formatCommand set very-large-key [string repeat "x" 512000]]
- }
- close $cmds_fd
- set cli_fd [open_cli "--pipe" $cmds]
- fconfigure $cli_fd -blocking true
- set output [read_cli $cli_fd]
- assert_equal {1000} [r get test-counter]
- assert_match "*All data transferred*errors: 0*replies: ${cmds_count}*" $output
- file delete $cmds
- }
- }