start_server {tags {"shutdown external:skip"}} { test {Temp rdb will be deleted if we use bg_unlink when shutdown} { for {set i 0} {$i < 20} {incr i} { r set $i $i } # It will cost 2s(20 * 100ms) to dump rdb r config set rdb-key-save-delay 100000 # Child is dumping rdb r bgsave after 100 set dir [lindex [r config get dir] 1] set child_pid [get_child_pid 0] set temp_rdb [file join [lindex [r config get dir] 1] temp-${child_pid}.rdb] # Temp rdb must be existed assert {[file exists $temp_rdb]} catch {r shutdown nosave} # Make sure the server was killed catch {set rd [redis_deferring_client]} e assert_match {*connection refused*} $e # Temp rdb file must be deleted assert {![file exists $temp_rdb]} } } start_server {tags {"shutdown external:skip"}} { test {Temp rdb will be deleted in signal handle} { for {set i 0} {$i < 20} {incr i} { r set $i $i } # It will cost 2s (20 * 100ms) to dump rdb r config set rdb-key-save-delay 100000 set pid [s process_id] set temp_rdb [file join [lindex [r config get dir] 1] temp-${pid}.rdb] # trigger a shutdown which will save an rdb exec kill -SIGINT $pid # Wait for creation of temp rdb wait_for_condition 50 10 { [file exists $temp_rdb] } else { fail "Can't trigger rdb save on shutdown" } # Insist on immediate shutdown, temp rdb file must be deleted exec kill -SIGINT $pid # wait for the rdb file to be deleted wait_for_condition 50 10 { ![file exists $temp_rdb] } else { fail "Can't trigger rdb save on shutdown" } } }