@@ -1,29 +1,10 @@
-use std::collections::HashMap;
use super::{
expr::{Expr, ExprOp},
- parser::parse_query,
- runtime::execute,
Addr, Error, Register,
-use crate::Transaction;
-#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
-pub struct Program {
- /// Debug op-codes, with the unresolved labels.
- dbg_opcodes: Vec<OpCode>,
- /// The list of opcodes that make up the program
- opcodes: Vec<OpCode>,
- /// If the program has some boilerplate that can be skipped. This is non-zero when the initial
- /// program has been executed at compile time, and the register has been populated to
- /// `initial_register`. Everytime a new Runtime is created, instead of executing the program,
- /// it can safely start-off a different Address, and clone the initial_register.
- start_at: Addr,
- /// The state of the register
- initial_register: Vec<Value>,
+use std::collections::HashMap;
pub struct Compiler<'a> {
expr: &'a Expr,
@@ -58,7 +39,7 @@ impl<'a> Compiler<'a> {
let mut return_value = self.next_register();
Ok(match expr {
Expr::Variable(name) => (
- vec![OpCode::LOAD_EXTERNAL(return_value, name.into())],
+ vec![OpCode::LOAD_EXTERNAL(return_value, name.clone())],
Expr::String(string) => (
@@ -89,7 +70,6 @@ impl<'a> Compiler<'a> {
return_value = term_return_value;
ExprOp::Eq => {
- let cmp = self.next_register();
let last_value = self.next_register();
let mut iter = compiled_terms.into_iter();
let (mut term_opcodes, return_from_expr) =
@@ -100,8 +80,8 @@ impl<'a> Compiler<'a> {
for (mut term_opcodes, term_return) in iter {
opcodes.append(&mut term_opcodes);
- opcodes.push(OpCode::EQ(cmp, last_value, term_return));
- opcodes.push(OpCode::JNE(cmp, exit_label));
+ opcodes.push(OpCode::EQ(return_value, last_value, term_return));
+ opcodes.push(OpCode::JNE(return_value, exit_label));
opcodes.push(OpCode::MOV(last_value, term_return));
@@ -147,7 +127,7 @@ impl<'a> Compiler<'a> {
- fn resolve_label_to_addr(opcodes: Vec<OpCode>) -> Result<Vec<OpCode>, Error> {
+ pub fn resolve_label_to_addr(opcodes: Vec<OpCode>) -> Result<Vec<OpCode>, Error> {
let mut pos = 0;
let used_labels = opcodes
@@ -168,6 +148,7 @@ impl<'a> Compiler<'a> {
.filter(|opcode| !matches!(opcode, OpCode::LABEL(_)))
.map(|opcode| {
+ // Rewrite JMP to not use labels but instead addresses
Ok(match opcode {
OpCode::JMP(label) => {
@@ -180,7 +161,7 @@ impl<'a> Compiler<'a> {
- x => x,
+ opcode => opcode,
@@ -194,98 +175,3 @@ impl<'a> Compiler<'a> {
-impl Program {
- pub fn new(code: &str) -> Result<Self, Error> {
- let ast = parse_query(code)?;
- let opcodes = ast.where_clause.map_or_else(
- || {
- Ok(vec![
- OpCode::LOAD(0.into(), true.into()),
- OpCode::HLT(0.into()),
- ])
- },
- |expr| Compiler::new(&expr).compile(),
- )?;
- Ok(Self {
- dbg_opcodes: opcodes.clone(),
- opcodes: Compiler::resolve_label_to_addr(opcodes)?,
- start_at: 0.into(),
- initial_register: vec![],
- })
- }
- /// Returns a human readable version of the compiled program (generated op-codes)
- pub fn debug(&self) -> String {
- self.dbg_opcodes
- .iter()
- .map(|x| match x {
- OpCode::HLT(_) | OpCode::LABEL(_) => x.to_string(),
- x => format!("\t{}", x.to_string()),
- })
- .collect::<Vec<_>>()
- .join("\n")
- }
- pub fn dump(&self) -> String {
- self.opcodes
- .iter()
- .enumerate()
- .map(|(pos, opcode)| format!("{}: {}", pos, opcode.to_string()))
- .collect::<Vec<_>>()
- .join("\n")
- }
- /// Returns the opcodes of the program expression and the usize of the register where the result
- /// Creates a program tailored for a transaction
- pub fn execute(&self, transaction: Option<&Transaction>) -> Result<Value, Error> {
- execute(
- transaction,
- &self.opcodes,
- self.initial_register.clone(),
- self.start_at,
- )
- }
-mod test {
- use super::Program;
- use crate::filter_expr::{opcode::OpCode, value::Value};
- #[test]
- fn parse() {
- let x = Program::new(
- r#"
- $foo = 3
- AND $bar = "bar"
- AND ($a = $b OR $b = $c)
- AND $foo = 1 + 2 + 3 + ((1+ 2-3*4-5) * $bar.tx.lol)
- "#,
- )
- .unwrap();
- panic!("{}\n\n{}", x.debug(), x.dump());
- }
- #[test]
- fn simple_program() {
- let program = Program {
- dbg_opcodes: vec![],
- opcodes: vec![
- OpCode::LOAD(1.into(), 12.into()),
- OpCode::LOAD(2.into(), 13.into()),
- OpCode::ADD(3.into(), 1.into(), 2.into()),
- OpCode::ADD(4.into(), 0.into(), 3.into()),
- OpCode::HLT(4.into()),
- ],
- start_at: 0.into(),
- initial_register: vec![15.into()],
- };
- let x = program.execute(None).expect("valid execution");
- assert_eq!(x, 40.into());
- }