example.config.toml 1.3 KB

  1. [info]
  2. url = "https://mint.thesimplekid.dev/"
  3. listen_host = ""
  4. listen_port = 8085
  5. mnemonic = ""
  6. # input_fee_ppk = 0
  7. [mint_info]
  8. # name = "cdk-mintd mutiney net mint"
  9. # Hex pubkey of mint
  10. # pubkey = ""
  11. # description = "These are not real sats for testing only"
  12. # description_long = "A longer mint for testing"
  13. # motd = "Hello world"
  14. # icon_url = "https://this-is-a-mint-icon-url.com/icon.png"
  15. # contact_email = "hello@cashu.me"
  16. # Nostr pubkey of mint (Hex)
  17. # contact_nostr_public_key = ""
  18. [database]
  19. # Database engine (sqlite/redb) defaults to sqlite
  20. # engine = "sqlite"
  21. [ln]
  22. # Required ln backend `cln`, `lnd`, `strike`, `fakewallet`, 'lnbits', 'phoenixd'
  23. ln_backend = "cln"
  24. # For 'phoenixd' backend, also specify fee_percent (% fee of the ln payment that mint will put in the melt quote) and reserve_fee_min (absolute amount-higher of fee_percent or reserve_fee_min is the fee reserve).
  25. # fee_percent=0.04
  26. # reserve_fee_min=4
  27. # [cln]
  28. # Required if using cln backend path to rpc
  29. # cln_path = ""
  30. # [strike]
  31. # For the Webhook subscription, the url under [info] must be a valid, absolute, non-local, https url
  32. # api_key=""
  33. # Optional default sats
  34. # supported_units=[""]
  35. # [lnbits]
  36. # admin_api_key = ""
  37. # invoice_api_key = ""
  38. # lnbits_api = ""
  39. # [phoenixd]
  40. # api_password = ""
  41. # api_url = ""
  42. # [lnd]
  43. # address = ""
  44. # macaroon_file = ""
  45. # cert_file = ""