123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255 |
- //! Cashu Wallet
- use std::str::FromStr;
- use bitcoin::Amount;
- pub use crate::Invoice;
- use crate::{
- client::Client,
- dhke::construct_proofs,
- error::Error,
- keyset::Keys,
- types::{
- BlindedMessages, Melted, Proofs, ProofsStatus, RequestMintResponse, SendProofs,
- SplitPayload, SplitRequest, Token,
- },
- };
- #[derive(Clone, Debug)]
- pub struct CashuWallet {
- pub client: Client,
- pub mint_keys: Keys,
- pub balance: Amount,
- }
- impl CashuWallet {
- pub fn new(client: Client, mint_keys: Keys) -> Self {
- Self {
- client,
- mint_keys,
- balance: Amount::ZERO,
- }
- }
- // TODO: getter method for keys that if it cant get them try again
- /// Check if a proof is spent
- pub async fn check_proofs_spent(&self, proofs: &Proofs) -> Result<ProofsStatus, Error> {
- let spendable = self.client.check_spendable(proofs).await?;
- // Separate proofs in spent and unspent based on mint response
- let (spendable, spent): (Vec<_>, Vec<_>) = proofs
- .iter()
- .zip(spendable.spendable.iter())
- .partition(|(_, &b)| b);
- Ok(ProofsStatus {
- spendable: spendable.into_iter().map(|(s, _)| s).cloned().collect(),
- spent: spent.into_iter().map(|(s, _)| s).cloned().collect(),
- })
- }
- /// Request Token Mint
- pub async fn request_mint(&self, amount: Amount) -> Result<RequestMintResponse, Error> {
- Ok(self.client.request_mint(amount).await?)
- }
- /// Mint Token
- pub async fn mint_token(&self, amount: Amount, hash: &str) -> Result<Token, Error> {
- let proofs = self.mint(amount, hash).await?;
- let token = Token::new(self.client.mint_url.clone(), proofs, None);
- Ok(token)
- }
- /// Mint Proofs
- pub async fn mint(&self, amount: Amount, hash: &str) -> Result<Proofs, Error> {
- let blinded_messages = BlindedMessages::random(amount)?;
- let mint_res = self.client.mint(blinded_messages.clone(), hash).await?;
- let proofs = construct_proofs(
- mint_res.promises,
- blinded_messages.rs,
- blinded_messages.secrets,
- &self.mint_keys,
- )?;
- Ok(proofs)
- }
- /// Check fee
- pub async fn check_fee(&self, invoice: Invoice) -> Result<Amount, Error> {
- Ok(self.client.check_fees(invoice).await?.fee)
- }
- /// Receive
- pub async fn receive(&self, encoded_token: &str) -> Result<Proofs, Error> {
- let token_data = Token::from_str(encoded_token)?;
- let mut proofs = vec![];
- for token in token_data.token {
- if token.proofs.is_empty() {
- continue;
- }
- let keys = if token.mint.to_string().eq(&self.client.mint_url.to_string()) {
- self.mint_keys.clone()
- } else {
- // println!("dd");
- // self.mint_keys.clone()
- Client::new(token.mint.as_str())?.get_keys().await?
- };
- // Sum amount of all proofs
- let amount = token
- .proofs
- .iter()
- .fold(Amount::ZERO, |acc, p| acc + p.amount);
- let split_payload = self.create_split(Amount::ZERO, amount, token.proofs)?;
- let split_response = self.client.split(split_payload.split_payload).await?;
- // Proof to keep
- let keep_proofs = construct_proofs(
- split_response.fst,
- split_payload.keep_blinded_messages.rs,
- split_payload.keep_blinded_messages.secrets,
- &keys,
- )?;
- // Proofs to send
- let send_proofs = construct_proofs(
- split_response.snd,
- split_payload.send_blinded_messages.rs,
- split_payload.send_blinded_messages.secrets,
- &keys,
- )?;
- proofs.push(keep_proofs);
- proofs.push(send_proofs);
- }
- Ok(proofs.iter().flatten().cloned().collect())
- }
- /// Create Split Payload
- fn create_split(
- &self,
- keep_amount: Amount,
- send_amount: Amount,
- proofs: Proofs,
- ) -> Result<SplitPayload, Error> {
- let keep_blinded_messages = BlindedMessages::random(keep_amount)?;
- let send_blinded_messages = BlindedMessages::random(send_amount)?;
- let outputs = {
- let mut outputs = keep_blinded_messages.blinded_messages.clone();
- outputs.extend(send_blinded_messages.blinded_messages.clone());
- outputs
- };
- let split_payload = SplitRequest {
- amount: send_amount,
- proofs,
- outputs,
- };
- Ok(SplitPayload {
- keep_blinded_messages,
- send_blinded_messages,
- split_payload,
- })
- }
- /// Send
- pub async fn send(&self, amount: Amount, proofs: Proofs) -> Result<SendProofs, Error> {
- let mut amount_available = Amount::ZERO;
- let mut send_proofs = SendProofs::default();
- for proof in proofs {
- let proof_value = proof.amount;
- if amount_available > amount {
- send_proofs.change_proofs.push(proof);
- } else {
- send_proofs.send_proofs.push(proof);
- }
- amount_available += proof_value;
- }
- if amount_available.lt(&amount) {
- println!("Not enough funds");
- return Err(Error::InsufficantFunds);
- }
- // If amount available is EQUAL to send amount no need to split
- if amount_available.eq(&amount) {
- return Ok(send_proofs);
- }
- let amount_to_keep = amount_available - amount;
- let amount_to_send = amount;
- let split_payload =
- self.create_split(amount_to_keep, amount_to_send, send_proofs.send_proofs)?;
- let split_response = self.client.split(split_payload.split_payload).await?;
- // Proof to keep
- let keep_proofs = construct_proofs(
- split_response.fst,
- split_payload.keep_blinded_messages.rs,
- split_payload.keep_blinded_messages.secrets,
- &self.mint_keys,
- )?;
- // Proofs to send
- let send_proofs = construct_proofs(
- split_response.snd,
- split_payload.send_blinded_messages.rs,
- split_payload.send_blinded_messages.secrets,
- &self.mint_keys,
- )?;
- // println!("Send Proofs: {:#?}", send_proofs);
- // println!("Keep Proofs: {:#?}", keep_proofs);
- Ok(SendProofs {
- change_proofs: keep_proofs,
- send_proofs,
- })
- }
- pub async fn melt(
- &self,
- invoice: Invoice,
- proofs: Proofs,
- fee_reserve: u64,
- ) -> Result<Melted, Error> {
- let change = BlindedMessages::blank(fee_reserve)?;
- let melt_response = self
- .client
- .melt(proofs, invoice, Some(change.blinded_messages))
- .await?;
- let change = match melt_response.change {
- Some(promises) => Some(construct_proofs(
- promises,
- change.rs,
- change.secrets,
- &self.mint_keys,
- )?),
- None => None,
- };
- Ok(Melted {
- paid: melt_response.paid,
- preimage: melt_response.preimage,
- change,
- })
- }
- pub fn proofs_to_token(&self, proofs: Proofs, memo: Option<String>) -> Result<String, Error> {
- Token::new(self.client.mint_url.clone(), proofs, memo).convert_to_string()
- }
- }