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- #!/bin/bash
- #
- # Build the JavaScript modules
- #
- # This script is really a workaround for https://github.com/rustwasm/wasm-pack/issues/1074.
- #
- # Currently, the only reliable way to load WebAssembly in all the JS
- # environments we want to target (web-via-webpack, web-via-browserify, jest)
- # seems to be to pack the WASM into base64, and then unpack it and instantiate
- # it at runtime.
- #
- # Hopefully one day, https://github.com/rustwasm/wasm-pack/issues/1074 will be
- # fixed and this will be unnecessary.
- set -e
- cd "$(dirname "$0")"/..
- WASM_BINDGEN_WEAKREF=1 wasm-pack build --target nodejs --scope rust-cashu --out-dir pkg "${WASM_PACK_ARGS[@]}"
- # Convert the Wasm into a JS file that exports the base64'ed Wasm.
- echo "module.exports = \`$(base64 pkg/cashu_js_bg.wasm)\`;" > pkg/cashu_js_bg.wasm.js
- # In the JavaScript:
- # 1. Strip out the lines that load the WASM, and our new epilogue.
- # 2. Remove the imports of `TextDecoder` and `TextEncoder`. We rely on the global defaults.
- {
- sed -e '/Text..coder.*= require(.util.)/d' \
- -e '/^const path = /,$d' pkg/cashu_js.js
- cat scripts/epilogue.js
- } > pkg/cashu_js.js.new
- mv pkg/cashu_js.js.new pkg/cashu_js.js
- # also extend the typescript
- cat scripts/epilogue.d.ts >> pkg/cashu_js.d.ts