1234567891011121314151617181920212223 |
- #!/usr/bin/env bash
- # Sanitize file first, by removing leading lines that are empty or start with a hash,
- # as `convco` currently does not do it automatically (but git will)
- # TODO: next release of convco should be able to do it automatically
- while read -r line ; do
- # skip any initial comments (possibly from previous run)
- if [ -z "${body_detected:-}" ] && { [[ "$line" =~ ^#.*$ ]] || [ "$line" == "" ]; }; then
- continue
- fi
- body_detected="true"
- echo "$line"
- done < "$1"
- )"
- # convco fails on fixup!, so remove fixup! prefix
- MESSAGE="${MESSAGE#fixup! }"
- if ! convco check --from-stdin <<<"$MESSAGE" ; then
- >&2 echo "Please follow conventional commits(https://www.conventionalcommits.org)"
- >&2 echo "Use git recommit <args> to fix your commit"
- exit 1
- fi