@@ -49,6 +49,17 @@ post_cache_wrapper!(post_swap, SwapRequest, SwapResponse);
post_cache_wrapper!(post_mint_bolt11, MintBolt11Request, MintBolt11Response);
post_cache_wrapper!(post_melt_bolt11, MeltBolt11Request, MeltQuoteBolt11Response);
+#[cfg_attr(feature = "swagger", utoipa::path(
+ get,
+ context_path = "/v1",
+ path = "/keys",
+ responses(
+ (status = 200, description = "Successful response", body = KeysResponse, content_type = "application/json")
+ )
+/// Get the public keys of the newest mint keyset
+/// This endpoint returns a dictionary of all supported token values of the mint and their associated public key.
pub async fn get_keys(State(state): State<MintState>) -> Result<Json<KeysResponse>, Response> {
let pubkeys = state.mint.pubkeys().await.map_err(|err| {
tracing::error!("Could not get keys: {}", err);
@@ -58,6 +69,21 @@ pub async fn get_keys(State(state): State<MintState>) -> Result<Json<KeysRespons
+#[cfg_attr(feature = "swagger", utoipa::path(
+ get,
+ context_path = "/v1",
+ path = "/keys/{keyset_id}",
+ params(
+ ("keyset_id" = String, description = "The keyset ID"),
+ ),
+ responses(
+ (status = 200, description = "Successful response", body = KeysResponse, content_type = "application/json"),
+ (status = 500, description = "Server error", body = ErrorResponse, content_type = "application/json")
+ )
+/// Get the public keys of a specific keyset
+/// Get the public keys of the mint from a specific keyset ID.
pub async fn get_keyset_pubkeys(
State(state): State<MintState>,
Path(keyset_id): Path<Id>,
@@ -70,15 +96,40 @@ pub async fn get_keyset_pubkeys(
+#[cfg_attr(feature = "swagger", utoipa::path(
+ get,
+ context_path = "/v1",
+ path = "/keysets",
+ responses(
+ (status = 200, description = "Successful response", body = KeysetResponse, content_type = "application/json"),
+ (status = 500, description = "Server error", body = ErrorResponse, content_type = "application/json")
+ )
+/// Get all active keyset IDs of the mint
+/// This endpoint returns a list of keysets that the mint currently supports and will accept tokens from.
pub async fn get_keysets(State(state): State<MintState>) -> Result<Json<KeysetResponse>, Response> {
- let mint = state.mint.keysets().await.map_err(|err| {
- tracing::error!("Could not get keyset: {}", err);
+ let keysets = state.mint.keysets().await.map_err(|err| {
+ tracing::error!("Could not get keysets: {}", err);
- Ok(Json(mint))
+ Ok(Json(keysets))
+#[cfg_attr(feature = "swagger", utoipa::path(
+ post,
+ context_path = "/v1",
+ path = "/mint/quote/bolt11",
+ request_body(content = MintQuoteBolt11Request, description = "Request params", content_type = "application/json"),
+ responses(
+ (status = 200, description = "Successful response", body = MintQuoteBolt11Response, content_type = "application/json"),
+ (status = 500, description = "Server error", body = ErrorResponse, content_type = "application/json")
+ )
+/// Request a quote for minting of new tokens
+/// Request minting of new tokens. The mint responds with a Lightning invoice. This endpoint can be used for a Lightning invoice UX flow.
pub async fn get_mint_bolt11_quote(
State(state): State<MintState>,
Json(payload): Json<MintQuoteBolt11Request>,
@@ -92,6 +143,21 @@ pub async fn get_mint_bolt11_quote(
+#[cfg_attr(feature = "swagger", utoipa::path(
+ get,
+ context_path = "/v1",
+ path = "/mint/quote/bolt11/{quote_id}",
+ params(
+ ("quote_id" = String, description = "The quote ID"),
+ ),
+ responses(
+ (status = 200, description = "Successful response", body = MintQuoteBolt11Response, content_type = "application/json"),
+ (status = 500, description = "Server error", body = ErrorResponse, content_type = "application/json")
+ )
+/// Get mint quote by ID
+/// Get mint quote state.
pub async fn get_check_mint_bolt11_quote(
State(state): State<MintState>,
Path(quote_id): Path<String>,
@@ -108,6 +174,21 @@ pub async fn get_check_mint_bolt11_quote(
+#[cfg_attr(feature = "swagger", utoipa::path(
+ post,
+ context_path = "/v1",
+ path = "/mint/bolt11",
+ request_body(content = MintBolt11Request, description = "Request params", content_type = "application/json"),
+ responses(
+ (status = 200, description = "Successful response", body = MintBolt11Response, content_type = "application/json"),
+ (status = 500, description = "Server error", body = ErrorResponse, content_type = "application/json")
+ )
+/// Mint tokens by paying a BOLT11 Lightning invoice.
+/// Requests the minting of tokens belonging to a paid payment request.
+/// Call this endpoint after `POST /v1/mint/quote`.
pub async fn post_mint_bolt11(
State(state): State<MintState>,
Json(payload): Json<MintBolt11Request>,
@@ -124,6 +205,17 @@ pub async fn post_mint_bolt11(
+#[cfg_attr(feature = "swagger", utoipa::path(
+ post,
+ context_path = "/v1",
+ path = "/melt/quote/bolt11",
+ request_body(content = MeltQuoteBolt11Request, description = "Quote params", content_type = "application/json"),
+ responses(
+ (status = 200, description = "Successful response", body = MeltQuoteBolt11Response, content_type = "application/json"),
+ (status = 500, description = "Server error", body = ErrorResponse, content_type = "application/json")
+ )
+/// Request a quote for melting tokens
pub async fn get_melt_bolt11_quote(
State(state): State<MintState>,
Json(payload): Json<MeltQuoteBolt11Request>,
@@ -137,6 +229,21 @@ pub async fn get_melt_bolt11_quote(
+#[cfg_attr(feature = "swagger", utoipa::path(
+ get,
+ context_path = "/v1",
+ path = "/melt/quote/bolt11/{quote_id}",
+ params(
+ ("quote_id" = String, description = "The quote ID"),
+ ),
+ responses(
+ (status = 200, description = "Successful response", body = MeltQuoteBolt11Response, content_type = "application/json"),
+ (status = 500, description = "Server error", body = ErrorResponse, content_type = "application/json")
+ )
+/// Get melt quote by ID
+/// Get melt quote state.
pub async fn get_check_melt_bolt11_quote(
State(state): State<MintState>,
Path(quote_id): Path<String>,
@@ -153,6 +260,19 @@ pub async fn get_check_melt_bolt11_quote(
+#[cfg_attr(feature = "swagger", utoipa::path(
+ post,
+ context_path = "/v1",
+ path = "/melt/bolt11",
+ request_body(content = MeltBolt11Request, description = "Melt params", content_type = "application/json"),
+ responses(
+ (status = 200, description = "Successful response", body = MeltQuoteBolt11Response, content_type = "application/json"),
+ (status = 500, description = "Server error", body = ErrorResponse, content_type = "application/json")
+ )
+/// Melt tokens for a Bitcoin payment that the mint will make for the user in exchange
+/// Requests tokens to be destroyed and sent out via Lightning.
pub async fn post_melt_bolt11(
State(state): State<MintState>,
Json(payload): Json<MeltBolt11Request>,
@@ -166,6 +286,19 @@ pub async fn post_melt_bolt11(
+#[cfg_attr(feature = "swagger", utoipa::path(
+ post,
+ context_path = "/v1",
+ path = "/checkstate",
+ request_body(content = CheckStateRequest, description = "State params", content_type = "application/json"),
+ responses(
+ (status = 200, description = "Successful response", body = CheckStateResponse, content_type = "application/json"),
+ (status = 500, description = "Server error", body = ErrorResponse, content_type = "application/json")
+ )
+/// Check whether a proof is spent already or is pending in a transaction
+/// Check whether a secret has been spent already or not.
pub async fn post_check(
State(state): State<MintState>,
Json(payload): Json<CheckStateRequest>,
@@ -178,10 +311,34 @@ pub async fn post_check(
+#[cfg_attr(feature = "swagger", utoipa::path(
+ get,
+ context_path = "/v1",
+ path = "/info",
+ responses(
+ (status = 200, description = "Successful response", body = MintInfo)
+ )
+/// Mint information, operator contact information, and other info
pub async fn get_mint_info(State(state): State<MintState>) -> Result<Json<MintInfo>, Response> {
+#[cfg_attr(feature = "swagger", utoipa::path(
+ post,
+ context_path = "/v1",
+ path = "/swap",
+ request_body(content = SwapRequest, description = "Swap params", content_type = "application/json"),
+ responses(
+ (status = 200, description = "Successful response", body = SwapResponse, content_type = "application/json"),
+ (status = 500, description = "Server error", body = ErrorResponse, content_type = "application/json")
+ )
+/// Swap inputs for outputs of the same value
+/// Requests a set of Proofs to be swapped for another set of BlindSignatures.
+/// This endpoint can be used by Alice to swap a set of proofs before making a payment to Carol. It can then used by Carol to redeem the tokens for new proofs.
pub async fn post_swap(
State(state): State<MintState>,
Json(payload): Json<SwapRequest>,
@@ -197,6 +354,17 @@ pub async fn post_swap(
+#[cfg_attr(feature = "swagger", utoipa::path(
+ post,
+ context_path = "/v1",
+ path = "/restore",
+ request_body(content = RestoreRequest, description = "Restore params", content_type = "application/json"),
+ responses(
+ (status = 200, description = "Successful response", body = RestoreResponse, content_type = "application/json"),
+ (status = 500, description = "Server error", body = ErrorResponse, content_type = "application/json")
+ )
+/// Restores blind signature for a set of outputs.
pub async fn post_restore(
State(state): State<MintState>,
Json(payload): Json<RestoreRequest>,