@@ -1,35 +1,37 @@
#![doc = include_str!("./README.md")]
-use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
+use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::str::FromStr;
use std::sync::Arc;
use bitcoin::bip32::Xpriv;
-use bitcoin::hashes::sha256::Hash as Sha256Hash;
-use bitcoin::hashes::Hash;
-use bitcoin::key::XOnlyPublicKey;
use bitcoin::Network;
use tracing::instrument;
use crate::amount::SplitTarget;
use crate::cdk_database::{self, WalletDatabase};
-use crate::dhke::{construct_proofs, hash_to_curve};
+use crate::dhke::construct_proofs;
use crate::error::Error;
use crate::fees::calculate_fee;
use crate::mint_url::MintUrl;
use crate::nuts::nut00::token::Token;
use crate::nuts::{
- nut10, nut12, Conditions, CurrencyUnit, Id, KeySetInfo, Keys, Kind, MeltQuoteBolt11Response,
- MeltQuoteState, MintInfo, MintQuoteBolt11Response, MintQuoteState, PaymentMethod,
- PreMintSecrets, PreSwap, Proof, ProofState, Proofs, PublicKey, RestoreRequest, SecretKey,
- SigFlag, SpendingConditions, State, SwapRequest,
+ nut10, CurrencyUnit, Id, Keys, MintInfo, MintQuoteState, PreMintSecrets, Proof, Proofs,
+ RestoreRequest, SpendingConditions, State,
-use crate::types::{Melted, ProofInfo};
-use crate::util::{hex, unix_time};
-use crate::{Amount, Bolt11Invoice, HttpClient, SECP256K1};
+use crate::types::ProofInfo;
+use crate::{Amount, HttpClient};
+mod balance;
pub mod client;
+mod keysets;
+mod melt;
+mod mint;
pub mod multi_mint_wallet;
+mod proofs;
+mod receive;
+mod send;
+mod swap;
pub mod types;
pub mod util;
@@ -141,65 +143,6 @@ impl Wallet {
- /// Total unspent balance of wallet
- #[instrument(skip(self))]
- pub async fn total_balance(&self) -> Result<Amount, Error> {
- let proofs = self
- .localstore
- .get_proofs(
- Some(self.mint_url.clone()),
- Some(self.unit),
- Some(vec![State::Unspent]),
- None,
- )
- .await?;
- let balance = Amount::try_sum(proofs.iter().map(|p| p.proof.amount))?;
- Ok(balance)
- }
- /// Total pending balance
- #[instrument(skip(self))]
- pub async fn total_pending_balance(&self) -> Result<HashMap<CurrencyUnit, Amount>, Error> {
- let proofs = self
- .localstore
- .get_proofs(
- Some(self.mint_url.clone()),
- Some(self.unit),
- Some(vec![State::Pending]),
- None,
- )
- .await?;
- let balances = proofs.iter().fold(HashMap::new(), |mut acc, proof| {
- *acc.entry(proof.unit).or_insert(Amount::ZERO) += proof.proof.amount;
- acc
- });
- Ok(balances)
- }
- /// Total reserved balance
- #[instrument(skip(self))]
- pub async fn total_reserved_balance(&self) -> Result<HashMap<CurrencyUnit, Amount>, Error> {
- let proofs = self
- .localstore
- .get_proofs(
- Some(self.mint_url.clone()),
- Some(self.unit),
- Some(vec![State::Reserved]),
- None,
- )
- .await?;
- let balances = proofs.iter().fold(HashMap::new(), |mut acc, proof| {
- *acc.entry(proof.unit).or_insert(Amount::ZERO) += proof.proof.amount;
- acc
- });
- Ok(balances)
- }
/// Update Mint information and related entries in the event a mint changes
/// its URL
@@ -214,63 +157,6 @@ impl Wallet {
- /// Get unspent proofs for mint
- #[instrument(skip(self))]
- pub async fn get_proofs(&self) -> Result<Proofs, Error> {
- Ok(self
- .localstore
- .get_proofs(
- Some(self.mint_url.clone()),
- Some(self.unit),
- Some(vec![State::Unspent]),
- None,
- )
- .await?
- .into_iter()
- .map(|p| p.proof)
- .collect())
- }
- /// Get pending [`Proofs`]
- #[instrument(skip(self))]
- pub async fn get_pending_proofs(&self) -> Result<Proofs, Error> {
- Ok(self
- .localstore
- .get_proofs(
- Some(self.mint_url.clone()),
- Some(self.unit),
- Some(vec![State::Pending]),
- None,
- )
- .await?
- .into_iter()
- .map(|p| p.proof)
- .collect())
- }
- /// Get reserved [`Proofs`]
- #[instrument(skip(self))]
- pub async fn get_reserved_proofs(&self) -> Result<Proofs, Error> {
- Ok(self
- .localstore
- .get_proofs(
- Some(self.mint_url.clone()),
- Some(self.unit),
- Some(vec![State::Reserved]),
- None,
- )
- .await?
- .into_iter()
- .map(|p| p.proof)
- .collect())
- }
- /// Return proofs to unspent allowing them to be selected and spent
- #[instrument(skip(self))]
- pub async fn unreserve_proofs(&self, ys: Vec<PublicKey>) -> Result<(), Error> {
- Ok(self.localstore.set_unspent_proofs(ys).await?)
- }
/// Qeury mint for current mint information
pub async fn get_mint_info(&self) -> Result<Option<MintInfo>, Error> {
@@ -295,450 +181,6 @@ impl Wallet {
- /// Get keys for mint keyset
- ///
- /// Selected keys from localstore if they are already known
- /// If they are not known queries mint for keyset id and stores the [`Keys`]
- #[instrument(skip(self))]
- pub async fn get_keyset_keys(&self, keyset_id: Id) -> Result<Keys, Error> {
- let keys = if let Some(keys) = self.localstore.get_keys(&keyset_id).await? {
- keys
- } else {
- let keys = self
- .client
- .get_mint_keyset(self.mint_url.clone().try_into()?, keyset_id)
- .await?;
- self.localstore.add_keys(keys.keys.clone()).await?;
- keys.keys
- };
- Ok(keys)
- }
- /// Get keysets for mint
- ///
- /// Queries mint for all keysets
- #[instrument(skip(self))]
- pub async fn get_mint_keysets(&self) -> Result<Vec<KeySetInfo>, Error> {
- let keysets = self
- .client
- .get_mint_keysets(self.mint_url.clone().try_into()?)
- .await?;
- self.localstore
- .add_mint_keysets(self.mint_url.clone(), keysets.keysets.clone())
- .await?;
- Ok(keysets.keysets)
- }
- /// Get active keyset for mint
- ///
- /// Queries mint for current keysets then gets [`Keys`] for any unknown
- /// keysets
- #[instrument(skip(self))]
- pub async fn get_active_mint_keyset(&self) -> Result<KeySetInfo, Error> {
- let keysets = self
- .client
- .get_mint_keysets(self.mint_url.clone().try_into()?)
- .await?;
- let keysets = keysets.keysets;
- self.localstore
- .add_mint_keysets(self.mint_url.clone(), keysets.clone())
- .await?;
- let active_keysets = keysets
- .clone()
- .into_iter()
- .filter(|k| k.active && k.unit == self.unit)
- .collect::<Vec<KeySetInfo>>();
- match self
- .localstore
- .get_mint_keysets(self.mint_url.clone())
- .await?
- {
- Some(known_keysets) => {
- let unknown_keysets: Vec<&KeySetInfo> = keysets
- .iter()
- .filter(|k| known_keysets.contains(k))
- .collect();
- for keyset in unknown_keysets {
- self.get_keyset_keys(keyset.id).await?;
- }
- }
- None => {
- for keyset in keysets {
- self.get_keyset_keys(keyset.id).await?;
- }
- }
- }
- active_keysets.first().ok_or(Error::NoActiveKeyset).cloned()
- }
- /// Reclaim unspent proofs
- ///
- /// Checks the stats of [`Proofs`] swapping for a new [`Proof`] if unspent
- #[instrument(skip(self, proofs))]
- pub async fn reclaim_unspent(&self, proofs: Proofs) -> Result<(), Error> {
- let proof_ys = proofs
- .iter()
- // Find Y for the secret
- .map(|p| hash_to_curve(p.secret.as_bytes()))
- .collect::<Result<Vec<PublicKey>, _>>()?;
- let spendable = self
- .client
- .post_check_state(self.mint_url.clone().try_into()?, proof_ys)
- .await?
- .states;
- let unspent: Proofs = proofs
- .into_iter()
- .zip(spendable)
- .filter_map(|(p, s)| (s.state == State::Unspent).then_some(p))
- .collect();
- self.swap(None, SplitTarget::default(), unspent, None, false)
- .await?;
- Ok(())
- }
- /// NUT-07 Check the state of a [`Proof`] with the mint
- #[instrument(skip(self, proofs))]
- pub async fn check_proofs_spent(&self, proofs: Proofs) -> Result<Vec<ProofState>, Error> {
- let spendable = self
- .client
- .post_check_state(
- self.mint_url.clone().try_into()?,
- proofs
- .iter()
- // Find Y for the secret
- .map(|p| hash_to_curve(p.secret.as_bytes()))
- .collect::<Result<Vec<PublicKey>, _>>()?,
- )
- .await?;
- Ok(spendable.states)
- }
- /// Checks pending proofs for spent status
- #[instrument(skip(self))]
- pub async fn check_all_pending_proofs(&self) -> Result<Amount, Error> {
- let mut balance = Amount::ZERO;
- let proofs = self
- .localstore
- .get_proofs(
- Some(self.mint_url.clone()),
- Some(self.unit),
- Some(vec![State::Pending, State::Reserved]),
- None,
- )
- .await?;
- if proofs.is_empty() {
- return Ok(Amount::ZERO);
- }
- let states = self
- .check_proofs_spent(proofs.clone().into_iter().map(|p| p.proof).collect())
- .await?;
- // Both `State::Pending` and `State::Unspent` should be included in the pending
- // table. This is because a proof that has been crated to send will be
- // stored in the pending table in order to avoid accidentally double
- // spending but to allow it to be explicitly reclaimed
- let pending_states: HashSet<PublicKey> = states
- .into_iter()
- .filter(|s| s.state.ne(&State::Spent))
- .map(|s| s.y)
- .collect();
- let (pending_proofs, non_pending_proofs): (Vec<ProofInfo>, Vec<ProofInfo>) = proofs
- .into_iter()
- .partition(|p| pending_states.contains(&p.y));
- let amount = Amount::try_sum(pending_proofs.iter().map(|p| p.proof.amount))?;
- self.localstore
- .update_proofs(
- vec![],
- non_pending_proofs.into_iter().map(|p| p.y).collect(),
- )
- .await?;
- balance += amount;
- Ok(balance)
- }
- /// Mint Quote
- /// # Synopsis
- /// ```rust
- /// use std::sync::Arc;
- ///
- /// use cdk::amount::Amount;
- /// use cdk::cdk_database::WalletMemoryDatabase;
- /// use cdk::nuts::CurrencyUnit;
- /// use cdk::wallet::Wallet;
- /// use rand::Rng;
- ///
- /// #[tokio::main]
- /// async fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
- /// let seed = rand::thread_rng().gen::<[u8; 32]>();
- /// let mint_url = "https://testnut.cashu.space";
- /// let unit = CurrencyUnit::Sat;
- ///
- /// let localstore = WalletMemoryDatabase::default();
- /// let wallet = Wallet::new(mint_url, unit, Arc::new(localstore), &seed, None)?;
- /// let amount = Amount::from(100);
- ///
- /// let quote = wallet.mint_quote(amount, None).await?;
- /// Ok(())
- /// }
- /// ```
- #[instrument(skip(self))]
- pub async fn mint_quote(
- &self,
- amount: Amount,
- description: Option<String>,
- ) -> Result<MintQuote, Error> {
- let mint_url = self.mint_url.clone();
- let unit = self.unit;
- // If we have a description, we check that the mint supports it.
- // If we have a description, we check that the mint supports it.
- if description.is_some() {
- let mint_method_settings = self
- .localstore
- .get_mint(mint_url.clone())
- .await?
- .ok_or(Error::IncorrectMint)?
- .nuts
- .nut04
- .get_settings(&unit, &PaymentMethod::Bolt11)
- .ok_or(Error::UnsupportedUnit)?;
- if !mint_method_settings.description {
- return Err(Error::InvoiceDescriptionUnsupported);
- }
- }
- let quote_res = self
- .client
- .post_mint_quote(mint_url.clone().try_into()?, amount, unit, description)
- .await?;
- let quote = MintQuote {
- mint_url,
- id: quote_res.quote.clone(),
- amount,
- unit,
- request: quote_res.request,
- state: quote_res.state,
- expiry: quote_res.expiry.unwrap_or(0),
- };
- self.localstore.add_mint_quote(quote.clone()).await?;
- Ok(quote)
- }
- /// Check mint quote status
- #[instrument(skip(self, quote_id))]
- pub async fn mint_quote_state(&self, quote_id: &str) -> Result<MintQuoteBolt11Response, Error> {
- let response = self
- .client
- .get_mint_quote_status(self.mint_url.clone().try_into()?, quote_id)
- .await?;
- match self.localstore.get_mint_quote(quote_id).await? {
- Some(quote) => {
- let mut quote = quote;
- quote.state = response.state;
- self.localstore.add_mint_quote(quote).await?;
- }
- None => {
- tracing::info!("Quote mint {} unknown", quote_id);
- }
- }
- Ok(response)
- }
- /// Check status of pending mint quotes
- #[instrument(skip(self))]
- pub async fn check_all_mint_quotes(&self) -> Result<Amount, Error> {
- let mint_quotes = self.localstore.get_mint_quotes().await?;
- let mut total_amount = Amount::ZERO;
- for mint_quote in mint_quotes {
- let mint_quote_response = self.mint_quote_state(&mint_quote.id).await?;
- if mint_quote_response.state == MintQuoteState::Paid {
- let amount = self
- .mint(&mint_quote.id, SplitTarget::default(), None)
- .await?;
- total_amount += amount;
- } else if mint_quote.expiry.le(&unix_time()) {
- self.localstore.remove_mint_quote(&mint_quote.id).await?;
- }
- }
- Ok(total_amount)
- }
- /// Mint
- /// # Synopsis
- /// ```rust
- /// use std::sync::Arc;
- ///
- /// use anyhow::Result;
- /// use cdk::amount::{Amount, SplitTarget};
- /// use cdk::cdk_database::WalletMemoryDatabase;
- /// use cdk::nuts::CurrencyUnit;
- /// use cdk::wallet::Wallet;
- /// use rand::Rng;
- ///
- /// #[tokio::main]
- /// async fn main() -> Result<()> {
- /// let seed = rand::thread_rng().gen::<[u8; 32]>();
- /// let mint_url = "https://testnut.cashu.space";
- /// let unit = CurrencyUnit::Sat;
- ///
- /// let localstore = WalletMemoryDatabase::default();
- /// let wallet = Wallet::new(mint_url, unit, Arc::new(localstore), &seed, None).unwrap();
- /// let amount = Amount::from(100);
- ///
- /// let quote = wallet.mint_quote(amount, None).await?;
- /// let quote_id = quote.id;
- /// // To be called after quote request is paid
- /// let amount_minted = wallet.mint("e_id, SplitTarget::default(), None).await?;
- ///
- /// Ok(())
- /// }
- /// ```
- #[instrument(skip(self))]
- pub async fn mint(
- &self,
- quote_id: &str,
- amount_split_target: SplitTarget,
- spending_conditions: Option<SpendingConditions>,
- ) -> Result<Amount, Error> {
- // Check that mint is in store of mints
- if self
- .localstore
- .get_mint(self.mint_url.clone())
- .await?
- .is_none()
- {
- self.get_mint_info().await?;
- }
- let quote_info = self.localstore.get_mint_quote(quote_id).await?;
- let quote_info = if let Some(quote) = quote_info {
- if quote.expiry.le(&unix_time()) && quote.expiry.ne(&0) {
- return Err(Error::ExpiredQuote(quote.expiry, unix_time()));
- }
- quote.clone()
- } else {
- return Err(Error::UnknownQuote);
- };
- let active_keyset_id = self.get_active_mint_keyset().await?.id;
- let count = self
- .localstore
- .get_keyset_counter(&active_keyset_id)
- .await?;
- let count = count.map_or(0, |c| c + 1);
- let premint_secrets = match &spending_conditions {
- Some(spending_conditions) => PreMintSecrets::with_conditions(
- active_keyset_id,
- quote_info.amount,
- &amount_split_target,
- spending_conditions,
- )?,
- None => PreMintSecrets::from_xpriv(
- active_keyset_id,
- count,
- self.xpriv,
- quote_info.amount,
- &amount_split_target,
- )?,
- };
- let mint_res = self
- .client
- .post_mint(
- self.mint_url.clone().try_into()?,
- quote_id,
- premint_secrets.clone(),
- )
- .await?;
- let keys = self.get_keyset_keys(active_keyset_id).await?;
- // Verify the signature DLEQ is valid
- {
- for (sig, premint) in mint_res.signatures.iter().zip(&premint_secrets.secrets) {
- let keys = self.get_keyset_keys(sig.keyset_id).await?;
- let key = keys.amount_key(sig.amount).ok_or(Error::AmountKey)?;
- match sig.verify_dleq(key, premint.blinded_message.blinded_secret) {
- Ok(_) | Err(nut12::Error::MissingDleqProof) => (),
- Err(_) => return Err(Error::CouldNotVerifyDleq),
- }
- }
- }
- let proofs = construct_proofs(
- mint_res.signatures,
- premint_secrets.rs(),
- premint_secrets.secrets(),
- &keys,
- )?;
- let minted_amount = Amount::try_sum(proofs.iter().map(|p| p.amount))?;
- // Remove filled quote from store
- self.localstore.remove_mint_quote("e_info.id).await?;
- if spending_conditions.is_none() {
- // Update counter for keyset
- self.localstore
- .increment_keyset_counter(&active_keyset_id, proofs.len() as u32)
- .await?;
- }
- let proofs = proofs
- .into_iter()
- .map(|proof| {
- ProofInfo::new(
- proof,
- self.mint_url.clone(),
- State::Unspent,
- quote_info.unit,
- )
- })
- .collect::<Result<Vec<ProofInfo>, _>>()?;
- // Add new proofs to store
- self.localstore.update_proofs(proofs, vec![]).await?;
- Ok(minted_amount)
- }
/// Get amounts needed to refill proof state
pub async fn amounts_needed_for_state_target(&self) -> Result<Vec<Amount>, Error> {
@@ -794,1101 +236,6 @@ impl Wallet {
- /// Create Swap Payload
- #[instrument(skip(self, proofs))]
- pub async fn create_swap(
- &self,
- amount: Option<Amount>,
- amount_split_target: SplitTarget,
- proofs: Proofs,
- spending_conditions: Option<SpendingConditions>,
- include_fees: bool,
- ) -> Result<PreSwap, Error> {
- let active_keyset_id = self.get_active_mint_keyset().await?.id;
- // Desired amount is either amount passed or value of all proof
- let proofs_total = Amount::try_sum(proofs.iter().map(|p| p.amount))?;
- let ys: Vec<PublicKey> = proofs.iter().map(|p| p.y()).collect::<Result<_, _>>()?;
- self.localstore.set_pending_proofs(ys).await?;
- let fee = self.get_proofs_fee(&proofs).await?;
- let change_amount: Amount = proofs_total - amount.unwrap_or(Amount::ZERO) - fee;
- let (send_amount, change_amount) = match include_fees {
- true => {
- let split_count = amount
- .unwrap_or(Amount::ZERO)
- .split_targeted(&SplitTarget::default())
- .unwrap()
- .len();
- let fee_to_redeem = self
- .get_keyset_count_fee(&active_keyset_id, split_count as u64)
- .await?;
- (
- amount.map(|a| a + fee_to_redeem),
- change_amount - fee_to_redeem,
- )
- }
- false => (amount, change_amount),
- };
- // If a non None split target is passed use that
- // else use state refill
- let change_split_target = match amount_split_target {
- SplitTarget::None => self.determine_split_target_values(change_amount).await?,
- s => s,
- };
- let derived_secret_count;
- let count = self
- .localstore
- .get_keyset_counter(&active_keyset_id)
- .await?;
- let mut count = count.map_or(0, |c| c + 1);
- let (mut desired_messages, change_messages) = match spending_conditions {
- Some(conditions) => {
- let change_premint_secrets = PreMintSecrets::from_xpriv(
- active_keyset_id,
- count,
- self.xpriv,
- change_amount,
- &change_split_target,
- )?;
- derived_secret_count = change_premint_secrets.len();
- (
- PreMintSecrets::with_conditions(
- active_keyset_id,
- send_amount.unwrap_or(Amount::ZERO),
- &SplitTarget::default(),
- &conditions,
- )?,
- change_premint_secrets,
- )
- }
- None => {
- let premint_secrets = PreMintSecrets::from_xpriv(
- active_keyset_id,
- count,
- self.xpriv,
- send_amount.unwrap_or(Amount::ZERO),
- &SplitTarget::default(),
- )?;
- count += premint_secrets.len() as u32;
- let change_premint_secrets = PreMintSecrets::from_xpriv(
- active_keyset_id,
- count,
- self.xpriv,
- change_amount,
- &change_split_target,
- )?;
- derived_secret_count = change_premint_secrets.len() + premint_secrets.len();
- (premint_secrets, change_premint_secrets)
- }
- };
- // Combine the BlindedMessages totaling the desired amount with change
- desired_messages.combine(change_messages);
- // Sort the premint secrets to avoid finger printing
- desired_messages.sort_secrets();
- let swap_request = SwapRequest::new(proofs, desired_messages.blinded_messages());
- Ok(PreSwap {
- pre_mint_secrets: desired_messages,
- swap_request,
- derived_secret_count: derived_secret_count as u32,
- fee,
- })
- }
- /// Swap
- #[instrument(skip(self, input_proofs))]
- pub async fn swap(
- &self,
- amount: Option<Amount>,
- amount_split_target: SplitTarget,
- input_proofs: Proofs,
- spending_conditions: Option<SpendingConditions>,
- include_fees: bool,
- ) -> Result<Option<Proofs>, Error> {
- let mint_url = &self.mint_url;
- let unit = &self.unit;
- let pre_swap = self
- .create_swap(
- amount,
- amount_split_target,
- input_proofs.clone(),
- spending_conditions.clone(),
- include_fees,
- )
- .await?;
- let swap_response = self
- .client
- .post_swap(mint_url.clone().try_into()?, pre_swap.swap_request)
- .await?;
- let active_keyset_id = pre_swap.pre_mint_secrets.keyset_id;
- let active_keys = self
- .localstore
- .get_keys(&active_keyset_id)
- .await?
- .ok_or(Error::NoActiveKeyset)?;
- let post_swap_proofs = construct_proofs(
- swap_response.signatures,
- pre_swap.pre_mint_secrets.rs(),
- pre_swap.pre_mint_secrets.secrets(),
- &active_keys,
- )?;
- self.localstore
- .increment_keyset_counter(&active_keyset_id, pre_swap.derived_secret_count)
- .await?;
- let mut added_proofs = Vec::new();
- let change_proofs;
- let send_proofs;
- match amount {
- Some(amount) => {
- let (proofs_with_condition, proofs_without_condition): (Proofs, Proofs) =
- post_swap_proofs.into_iter().partition(|p| {
- let nut10_secret: Result<nut10::Secret, _> = p.secret.clone().try_into();
- nut10_secret.is_ok()
- });
- let (proofs_to_send, proofs_to_keep) = match spending_conditions {
- Some(_) => (proofs_with_condition, proofs_without_condition),
- None => {
- let mut all_proofs = proofs_without_condition;
- all_proofs.reverse();
- let mut proofs_to_send: Proofs = Vec::new();
- let mut proofs_to_keep = Vec::new();
- for proof in all_proofs {
- let proofs_to_send_amount =
- Amount::try_sum(proofs_to_send.iter().map(|p| p.amount))?;
- if proof.amount + proofs_to_send_amount <= amount + pre_swap.fee {
- proofs_to_send.push(proof);
- } else {
- proofs_to_keep.push(proof);
- }
- }
- (proofs_to_send, proofs_to_keep)
- }
- };
- let send_amount = Amount::try_sum(proofs_to_send.iter().map(|p| p.amount))?;
- if send_amount.ne(&(amount + pre_swap.fee)) {
- tracing::warn!(
- "Send amount proofs is {:?} expected {:?}",
- send_amount,
- amount
- );
- }
- let send_proofs_info = proofs_to_send
- .clone()
- .into_iter()
- .map(|proof| ProofInfo::new(proof, mint_url.clone(), State::Reserved, *unit))
- .collect::<Result<Vec<ProofInfo>, _>>()?;
- added_proofs = send_proofs_info;
- change_proofs = proofs_to_keep;
- send_proofs = Some(proofs_to_send);
- }
- None => {
- change_proofs = post_swap_proofs;
- send_proofs = None;
- }
- }
- let keep_proofs = change_proofs
- .into_iter()
- .map(|proof| ProofInfo::new(proof, mint_url.clone(), State::Unspent, *unit))
- .collect::<Result<Vec<ProofInfo>, _>>()?;
- added_proofs.extend(keep_proofs);
- // Remove spent proofs used as inputs
- let deleted_ys = input_proofs
- .into_iter()
- .map(|proof| proof.y())
- .collect::<Result<Vec<PublicKey>, _>>()?;
- self.localstore
- .update_proofs(added_proofs, deleted_ys)
- .await?;
- Ok(send_proofs)
- }
- #[instrument(skip(self))]
- async fn swap_from_unspent(
- &self,
- amount: Amount,
- conditions: Option<SpendingConditions>,
- include_fees: bool,
- ) -> Result<Proofs, Error> {
- let available_proofs = self
- .localstore
- .get_proofs(
- Some(self.mint_url.clone()),
- Some(self.unit),
- Some(vec![State::Unspent]),
- None,
- )
- .await?;
- let (available_proofs, proofs_sum) = available_proofs.into_iter().map(|p| p.proof).fold(
- (Vec::new(), Amount::ZERO),
- |(mut acc1, mut acc2), p| {
- acc2 += p.amount;
- acc1.push(p);
- (acc1, acc2)
- },
- );
- if proofs_sum < amount {
- return Err(Error::InsufficientFunds);
- }
- let proofs = self.select_proofs_to_swap(amount, available_proofs).await?;
- self.swap(
- Some(amount),
- SplitTarget::default(),
- proofs,
- conditions,
- include_fees,
- )
- .await?
- .ok_or(Error::InsufficientFunds)
- }
- /// Send specific proofs
- #[instrument(skip(self))]
- pub async fn send_proofs(&self, memo: Option<String>, proofs: Proofs) -> Result<Token, Error> {
- let ys = proofs
- .iter()
- .map(|p| p.y())
- .collect::<Result<Vec<PublicKey>, _>>()?;
- self.localstore.reserve_proofs(ys).await?;
- Ok(Token::new(
- self.mint_url.clone(),
- proofs,
- memo,
- Some(self.unit),
- ))
- }
- /// Send
- #[instrument(skip(self))]
- pub async fn send(
- &self,
- amount: Amount,
- memo: Option<String>,
- conditions: Option<SpendingConditions>,
- amount_split_target: &SplitTarget,
- send_kind: &SendKind,
- include_fees: bool,
- ) -> Result<Token, Error> {
- // If online send check mint for current keysets fees
- if matches!(
- send_kind,
- SendKind::OnlineExact | SendKind::OnlineTolerance(_)
- ) {
- if let Err(e) = self.get_active_mint_keyset().await {
- tracing::error!(
- "Error fetching active mint keyset: {:?}. Using stored keysets",
- e
- );
- }
- }
- let mint_url = &self.mint_url;
- let unit = &self.unit;
- let available_proofs = self
- .localstore
- .get_proofs(
- Some(mint_url.clone()),
- Some(*unit),
- Some(vec![State::Unspent]),
- conditions.clone().map(|c| vec![c]),
- )
- .await?;
- let (available_proofs, proofs_sum) = available_proofs.into_iter().map(|p| p.proof).fold(
- (Vec::new(), Amount::ZERO),
- |(mut acc1, mut acc2), p| {
- acc2 += p.amount;
- acc1.push(p);
- (acc1, acc2)
- },
- );
- let available_proofs = if proofs_sum < amount {
- match &conditions {
- Some(conditions) => {
- let available_proofs = self
- .localstore
- .get_proofs(
- Some(mint_url.clone()),
- Some(*unit),
- Some(vec![State::Unspent]),
- None,
- )
- .await?;
- let available_proofs = available_proofs.into_iter().map(|p| p.proof).collect();
- let proofs_to_swap =
- self.select_proofs_to_swap(amount, available_proofs).await?;
- let proofs_with_conditions = self
- .swap(
- Some(amount),
- SplitTarget::default(),
- proofs_to_swap,
- Some(conditions.clone()),
- include_fees,
- )
- .await?;
- proofs_with_conditions.ok_or(Error::InsufficientFunds)?
- }
- None => {
- return Err(Error::InsufficientFunds);
- }
- }
- } else {
- available_proofs
- };
- let selected = self
- .select_proofs_to_send(amount, available_proofs, include_fees)
- .await;
- let send_proofs: Proofs = match (send_kind, selected, conditions.clone()) {
- // Handle exact matches offline
- (SendKind::OfflineExact, Ok(selected_proofs), _) => {
- let selected_proofs_amount =
- Amount::try_sum(selected_proofs.iter().map(|p| p.amount))?;
- let amount_to_send = match include_fees {
- true => amount + self.get_proofs_fee(&selected_proofs).await?,
- false => amount,
- };
- if selected_proofs_amount == amount_to_send {
- selected_proofs
- } else {
- return Err(Error::InsufficientFunds);
- }
- }
- // Handle exact matches
- (SendKind::OnlineExact, Ok(selected_proofs), _) => {
- let selected_proofs_amount =
- Amount::try_sum(selected_proofs.iter().map(|p| p.amount))?;
- let amount_to_send = match include_fees {
- true => amount + self.get_proofs_fee(&selected_proofs).await?,
- false => amount,
- };
- if selected_proofs_amount == amount_to_send {
- selected_proofs
- } else {
- tracing::info!("Could not select proofs exact while offline.");
- tracing::info!("Attempting to select proofs and swapping");
- self.swap_from_unspent(amount, conditions, include_fees)
- .await?
- }
- }
- // Handle offline tolerance
- (SendKind::OfflineTolerance(tolerance), Ok(selected_proofs), _) => {
- let selected_proofs_amount =
- Amount::try_sum(selected_proofs.iter().map(|p| p.amount))?;
- let amount_to_send = match include_fees {
- true => amount + self.get_proofs_fee(&selected_proofs).await?,
- false => amount,
- };
- if selected_proofs_amount - amount_to_send <= *tolerance {
- selected_proofs
- } else {
- tracing::info!("Selected proofs greater than tolerance. Must swap online");
- return Err(Error::InsufficientFunds);
- }
- }
- // Handle online tolerance when selection fails and conditions are present
- (SendKind::OnlineTolerance(_), Err(_), Some(_)) => {
- tracing::info!("Could not select proofs with conditions while offline.");
- tracing::info!("Attempting to select proofs without conditions and swapping");
- self.swap_from_unspent(amount, conditions, include_fees)
- .await?
- }
- // Handle online tolerance with successful selection
- (SendKind::OnlineTolerance(tolerance), Ok(selected_proofs), _) => {
- let selected_proofs_amount =
- Amount::try_sum(selected_proofs.iter().map(|p| p.amount))?;
- let amount_to_send = match include_fees {
- true => amount + self.get_proofs_fee(&selected_proofs).await?,
- false => amount,
- };
- if selected_proofs_amount - amount_to_send <= *tolerance {
- selected_proofs
- } else {
- tracing::info!("Could not select proofs while offline. Attempting swap");
- self.swap_from_unspent(amount, conditions, include_fees)
- .await?
- }
- }
- // Handle all other cases where selection fails
- (
- SendKind::OfflineExact
- | SendKind::OnlineExact
- | SendKind::OfflineTolerance(_)
- | SendKind::OnlineTolerance(_),
- Err(_),
- _,
- ) => {
- tracing::debug!("Could not select proofs");
- return Err(Error::InsufficientFunds);
- }
- };
- self.send_proofs(memo, send_proofs).await
- }
- /// Melt Quote
- /// # Synopsis
- /// ```rust
- /// use std::sync::Arc;
- ///
- /// use cdk::cdk_database::WalletMemoryDatabase;
- /// use cdk::nuts::CurrencyUnit;
- /// use cdk::wallet::Wallet;
- /// use rand::Rng;
- ///
- /// #[tokio::main]
- /// async fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
- /// let seed = rand::thread_rng().gen::<[u8; 32]>();
- /// let mint_url = "https://testnut.cashu.space";
- /// let unit = CurrencyUnit::Sat;
- ///
- /// let localstore = WalletMemoryDatabase::default();
- /// let wallet = Wallet::new(mint_url, unit, Arc::new(localstore), &seed, None).unwrap();
- /// let bolt11 = "lnbc100n1pnvpufspp5djn8hrq49r8cghwye9kqw752qjncwyfnrprhprpqk43mwcy4yfsqdq5g9kxy7fqd9h8vmmfvdjscqzzsxqyz5vqsp5uhpjt36rj75pl7jq2sshaukzfkt7uulj456s4mh7uy7l6vx7lvxs9qxpqysgqedwz08acmqwtk8g4vkwm2w78suwt2qyzz6jkkwcgrjm3r3hs6fskyhvud4fan3keru7emjm8ygqpcrwtlmhfjfmer3afs5hhwamgr4cqtactdq".to_string();
- /// let quote = wallet.melt_quote(bolt11, None).await?;
- ///
- /// Ok(())
- /// }
- /// ```
- #[instrument(skip(self, request))]
- pub async fn melt_quote(
- &self,
- request: String,
- mpp: Option<Amount>,
- ) -> Result<MeltQuote, Error> {
- let invoice = Bolt11Invoice::from_str(&request)?;
- let request_amount = invoice
- .amount_milli_satoshis()
- .ok_or(Error::InvoiceAmountUndefined)?;
- let amount = match self.unit {
- CurrencyUnit::Sat => Amount::from(request_amount / 1000),
- CurrencyUnit::Msat => Amount::from(request_amount),
- _ => return Err(Error::UnitUnsupported),
- };
- let quote_res = self
- .client
- .post_melt_quote(self.mint_url.clone().try_into()?, self.unit, invoice, mpp)
- .await?;
- if quote_res.amount != amount {
- return Err(Error::IncorrectQuoteAmount);
- }
- let quote = MeltQuote {
- id: quote_res.quote,
- amount,
- request,
- unit: self.unit,
- fee_reserve: quote_res.fee_reserve,
- state: quote_res.state,
- expiry: quote_res.expiry,
- payment_preimage: quote_res.payment_preimage,
- };
- self.localstore.add_melt_quote(quote.clone()).await?;
- Ok(quote)
- }
- /// Melt quote status
- #[instrument(skip(self, quote_id))]
- pub async fn melt_quote_status(
- &self,
- quote_id: &str,
- ) -> Result<MeltQuoteBolt11Response, Error> {
- let response = self
- .client
- .get_melt_quote_status(self.mint_url.clone().try_into()?, quote_id)
- .await?;
- match self.localstore.get_melt_quote(quote_id).await? {
- Some(quote) => {
- let mut quote = quote;
- quote.state = response.state;
- self.localstore.add_melt_quote(quote).await?;
- }
- None => {
- tracing::info!("Quote melt {} unknown", quote_id);
- }
- }
- Ok(response)
- }
- /// Melt specific proofs
- #[instrument(skip(self, proofs))]
- pub async fn melt_proofs(&self, quote_id: &str, proofs: Proofs) -> Result<Melted, Error> {
- let quote_info = self.localstore.get_melt_quote(quote_id).await?;
- let quote_info = if let Some(quote) = quote_info {
- if quote.expiry.le(&unix_time()) {
- return Err(Error::ExpiredQuote(quote.expiry, unix_time()));
- }
- quote.clone()
- } else {
- return Err(Error::UnknownQuote);
- };
- let proofs_total = Amount::try_sum(proofs.iter().map(|p| p.amount))?;
- if proofs_total < quote_info.amount + quote_info.fee_reserve {
- return Err(Error::InsufficientFunds);
- }
- let ys = proofs
- .iter()
- .map(|p| p.y())
- .collect::<Result<Vec<PublicKey>, _>>()?;
- self.localstore.set_pending_proofs(ys).await?;
- let active_keyset_id = self.get_active_mint_keyset().await?.id;
- let count = self
- .localstore
- .get_keyset_counter(&active_keyset_id)
- .await?;
- let count = count.map_or(0, |c| c + 1);
- let premint_secrets = PreMintSecrets::from_xpriv_blank(
- active_keyset_id,
- count,
- self.xpriv,
- proofs_total - quote_info.amount,
- )?;
- let melt_response = self
- .client
- .post_melt(
- self.mint_url.clone().try_into()?,
- quote_id.to_string(),
- proofs.clone(),
- Some(premint_secrets.blinded_messages()),
- )
- .await;
- let melt_response = match melt_response {
- Ok(melt_response) => melt_response,
- Err(err) => {
- tracing::error!("Could not melt: {}", err);
- tracing::info!("Checking status of input proofs.");
- self.reclaim_unspent(proofs).await?;
- return Err(err);
- }
- };
- let active_keys = self
- .localstore
- .get_keys(&active_keyset_id)
- .await?
- .ok_or(Error::NoActiveKeyset)?;
- let change_proofs = match melt_response.change {
- Some(change) => {
- let num_change_proof = change.len();
- let num_change_proof = match (
- premint_secrets.len() < num_change_proof,
- premint_secrets.secrets().len() < num_change_proof,
- ) {
- (true, _) | (_, true) => {
- tracing::error!("Mismatch in change promises to change");
- premint_secrets.len()
- }
- _ => num_change_proof,
- };
- Some(construct_proofs(
- change,
- premint_secrets.rs()[..num_change_proof].to_vec(),
- premint_secrets.secrets()[..num_change_proof].to_vec(),
- &active_keys,
- )?)
- }
- None => None,
- };
- let state = match melt_response.paid {
- true => MeltQuoteState::Paid,
- false => MeltQuoteState::Unpaid,
- };
- let melted = Melted::from_proofs(
- state,
- melt_response.payment_preimage,
- quote_info.amount,
- proofs.clone(),
- change_proofs.clone(),
- )?;
- let change_proof_infos = match change_proofs {
- Some(change_proofs) => {
- tracing::debug!(
- "Change amount returned from melt: {}",
- Amount::try_sum(change_proofs.iter().map(|p| p.amount))?
- );
- // Update counter for keyset
- self.localstore
- .increment_keyset_counter(&active_keyset_id, change_proofs.len() as u32)
- .await?;
- change_proofs
- .into_iter()
- .map(|proof| {
- ProofInfo::new(
- proof,
- self.mint_url.clone(),
- State::Unspent,
- quote_info.unit,
- )
- })
- .collect::<Result<Vec<ProofInfo>, _>>()?
- }
- None => Vec::new(),
- };
- self.localstore.remove_melt_quote("e_info.id).await?;
- let deleted_ys = proofs
- .iter()
- .map(|p| p.y())
- .collect::<Result<Vec<PublicKey>, _>>()?;
- self.localstore
- .update_proofs(change_proof_infos, deleted_ys)
- .await?;
- Ok(melted)
- }
- /// Melt
- /// # Synopsis
- /// ```rust, no_run
- /// use std::sync::Arc;
- ///
- /// use cdk::cdk_database::WalletMemoryDatabase;
- /// use cdk::nuts::CurrencyUnit;
- /// use cdk::wallet::Wallet;
- /// use rand::Rng;
- ///
- /// #[tokio::main]
- /// async fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
- /// let seed = rand::thread_rng().gen::<[u8; 32]>();
- /// let mint_url = "https://testnut.cashu.space";
- /// let unit = CurrencyUnit::Sat;
- ///
- /// let localstore = WalletMemoryDatabase::default();
- /// let wallet = Wallet::new(mint_url, unit, Arc::new(localstore), &seed, None).unwrap();
- /// let bolt11 = "lnbc100n1pnvpufspp5djn8hrq49r8cghwye9kqw752qjncwyfnrprhprpqk43mwcy4yfsqdq5g9kxy7fqd9h8vmmfvdjscqzzsxqyz5vqsp5uhpjt36rj75pl7jq2sshaukzfkt7uulj456s4mh7uy7l6vx7lvxs9qxpqysgqedwz08acmqwtk8g4vkwm2w78suwt2qyzz6jkkwcgrjm3r3hs6fskyhvud4fan3keru7emjm8ygqpcrwtlmhfjfmer3afs5hhwamgr4cqtactdq".to_string();
- /// let quote = wallet.melt_quote(bolt11, None).await?;
- /// let quote_id = quote.id;
- ///
- /// let _ = wallet.melt("e_id).await?;
- ///
- /// Ok(())
- /// }
- #[instrument(skip(self))]
- pub async fn melt(&self, quote_id: &str) -> Result<Melted, Error> {
- let quote_info = self.localstore.get_melt_quote(quote_id).await?;
- let quote_info = if let Some(quote) = quote_info {
- if quote.expiry.le(&unix_time()) {
- return Err(Error::ExpiredQuote(quote.expiry, unix_time()));
- }
- quote.clone()
- } else {
- return Err(Error::UnknownQuote);
- };
- let inputs_needed_amount = quote_info.amount + quote_info.fee_reserve;
- let available_proofs = self.get_proofs().await?;
- let input_proofs = self
- .select_proofs_to_swap(inputs_needed_amount, available_proofs)
- .await?;
- self.melt_proofs(quote_id, input_proofs).await
- }
- /// Select proofs to send
- #[instrument(skip_all)]
- pub async fn select_proofs_to_send(
- &self,
- amount: Amount,
- proofs: Proofs,
- include_fees: bool,
- ) -> Result<Proofs, Error> {
- // TODO: Check all proofs are same unit
- if Amount::try_sum(proofs.iter().map(|p| p.amount))? < amount {
- return Err(Error::InsufficientFunds);
- }
- let (mut proofs_larger, mut proofs_smaller): (Proofs, Proofs) =
- proofs.into_iter().partition(|p| p.amount > amount);
- let next_bigger_proof = proofs_larger.first().cloned();
- let mut selected_proofs: Vec<Proof> = Vec::new();
- let mut remaining_amount = amount;
- while remaining_amount > Amount::ZERO {
- proofs_larger.sort();
- // Sort smaller proofs in descending order
- proofs_smaller.sort_by(|a: &Proof, b: &Proof| b.cmp(a));
- let selected_proof = if let Some(next_small) = proofs_smaller.clone().first() {
- next_small.clone()
- } else if let Some(next_bigger) = proofs_larger.first() {
- next_bigger.clone()
- } else {
- break;
- };
- let proof_amount = selected_proof.amount;
- selected_proofs.push(selected_proof);
- let fees = match include_fees {
- true => self.get_proofs_fee(&selected_proofs).await?,
- false => Amount::ZERO,
- };
- if proof_amount >= remaining_amount + fees {
- remaining_amount = Amount::ZERO;
- break;
- }
- remaining_amount = amount.checked_add(fees).ok_or(Error::AmountOverflow)?
- - Amount::try_sum(selected_proofs.iter().map(|p| p.amount))?;
- (proofs_larger, proofs_smaller) = proofs_smaller
- .into_iter()
- .skip(1)
- .partition(|p| p.amount > remaining_amount);
- }
- if remaining_amount > Amount::ZERO {
- if let Some(next_bigger) = next_bigger_proof {
- return Ok(vec![next_bigger.clone()]);
- }
- return Err(Error::InsufficientFunds);
- }
- Ok(selected_proofs)
- }
- /// Select proofs to send
- #[instrument(skip_all)]
- pub async fn select_proofs_to_swap(
- &self,
- amount: Amount,
- proofs: Proofs,
- ) -> Result<Proofs, Error> {
- let active_keyset_id = self.get_active_mint_keyset().await?.id;
- let (mut active_proofs, mut inactive_proofs): (Proofs, Proofs) = proofs
- .into_iter()
- .partition(|p| p.keyset_id == active_keyset_id);
- let mut selected_proofs: Proofs = Vec::new();
- inactive_proofs.sort_by(|a: &Proof, b: &Proof| b.cmp(a));
- for inactive_proof in inactive_proofs {
- selected_proofs.push(inactive_proof);
- let selected_total = Amount::try_sum(selected_proofs.iter().map(|p| p.amount))?;
- let fees = self.get_proofs_fee(&selected_proofs).await?;
- if selected_total >= amount + fees {
- return Ok(selected_proofs);
- }
- }
- active_proofs.sort_by(|a: &Proof, b: &Proof| b.cmp(a));
- for active_proof in active_proofs {
- selected_proofs.push(active_proof);
- let selected_total = Amount::try_sum(selected_proofs.iter().map(|p| p.amount))?;
- let fees = self.get_proofs_fee(&selected_proofs).await?;
- if selected_total >= amount + fees {
- return Ok(selected_proofs);
- }
- }
- Err(Error::InsufficientFunds)
- }
- /// Receive proofs
- #[instrument(skip_all)]
- pub async fn receive_proofs(
- &self,
- proofs: Proofs,
- amount_split_target: SplitTarget,
- p2pk_signing_keys: &[SecretKey],
- preimages: &[String],
- ) -> Result<Amount, Error> {
- let mut received_proofs: HashMap<MintUrl, Proofs> = HashMap::new();
- let mint_url = &self.mint_url;
- // Add mint if it does not exist in the store
- if self
- .localstore
- .get_mint(self.mint_url.clone())
- .await?
- .is_none()
- {
- tracing::debug!(
- "Mint not in localstore fetching info for: {}",
- self.mint_url
- );
- self.get_mint_info().await?;
- }
- let _ = self.get_active_mint_keyset().await?;
- let active_keyset_id = self.get_active_mint_keyset().await?.id;
- let keys = self.get_keyset_keys(active_keyset_id).await?;
- let mut proofs = proofs;
- let mut sig_flag = SigFlag::SigInputs;
- // Map hash of preimage to preimage
- let hashed_to_preimage: HashMap<String, &String> = preimages
- .iter()
- .map(|p| {
- let hex_bytes = hex::decode(p)?;
- Ok::<(String, &String), Error>((Sha256Hash::hash(&hex_bytes).to_string(), p))
- })
- .collect::<Result<HashMap<String, &String>, _>>()?;
- let p2pk_signing_keys: HashMap<XOnlyPublicKey, &SecretKey> = p2pk_signing_keys
- .iter()
- .map(|s| (s.x_only_public_key(&SECP256K1).0, s))
- .collect();
- for proof in &mut proofs {
- // Verify that proof DLEQ is valid
- if proof.dleq.is_some() {
- let keys = self.get_keyset_keys(proof.keyset_id).await?;
- let key = keys.amount_key(proof.amount).ok_or(Error::AmountKey)?;
- proof.verify_dleq(key)?;
- }
- if let Ok(secret) =
- <crate::secret::Secret as TryInto<crate::nuts::nut10::Secret>>::try_into(
- proof.secret.clone(),
- )
- {
- let conditions: Result<Conditions, _> =
- secret.secret_data.tags.unwrap_or_default().try_into();
- if let Ok(conditions) = conditions {
- let mut pubkeys = conditions.pubkeys.unwrap_or_default();
- match secret.kind {
- Kind::P2PK => {
- let data_key = PublicKey::from_str(&secret.secret_data.data)?;
- pubkeys.push(data_key);
- }
- Kind::HTLC => {
- let hashed_preimage = &secret.secret_data.data;
- let preimage = hashed_to_preimage
- .get(hashed_preimage)
- .ok_or(Error::PreimageNotProvided)?;
- proof.add_preimage(preimage.to_string());
- }
- }
- for pubkey in pubkeys {
- if let Some(signing) = p2pk_signing_keys.get(&pubkey.x_only_public_key()) {
- proof.sign_p2pk(signing.to_owned().clone())?;
- }
- }
- if conditions.sig_flag.eq(&SigFlag::SigAll) {
- sig_flag = SigFlag::SigAll;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Since the proofs are unknown they need to be added to the database
- let proofs_info = proofs
- .clone()
- .into_iter()
- .map(|p| ProofInfo::new(p, self.mint_url.clone(), State::Pending, self.unit))
- .collect::<Result<Vec<ProofInfo>, _>>()?;
- self.localstore.update_proofs(proofs_info, vec![]).await?;
- let mut pre_swap = self
- .create_swap(None, amount_split_target, proofs, None, false)
- .await?;
- if sig_flag.eq(&SigFlag::SigAll) {
- for blinded_message in &mut pre_swap.swap_request.outputs {
- for signing_key in p2pk_signing_keys.values() {
- blinded_message.sign_p2pk(signing_key.to_owned().clone())?
- }
- }
- }
- let swap_response = self
- .client
- .post_swap(mint_url.clone().try_into()?, pre_swap.swap_request)
- .await?;
- // Proof to keep
- let p = construct_proofs(
- swap_response.signatures,
- pre_swap.pre_mint_secrets.rs(),
- pre_swap.pre_mint_secrets.secrets(),
- &keys,
- )?;
- let mint_proofs = received_proofs.entry(mint_url.clone()).or_default();
- self.localstore
- .increment_keyset_counter(&active_keyset_id, p.len() as u32)
- .await?;
- mint_proofs.extend(p);
- let mut total_amount = Amount::ZERO;
- for (mint, proofs) in received_proofs {
- total_amount += Amount::try_sum(proofs.iter().map(|p| p.amount))?;
- let proofs = proofs
- .into_iter()
- .map(|proof| ProofInfo::new(proof, mint.clone(), State::Unspent, self.unit))
- .collect::<Result<Vec<ProofInfo>, _>>()?;
- self.localstore.update_proofs(proofs, vec![]).await?;
- }
- Ok(total_amount)
- }
- /// Receive
- /// # Synopsis
- /// ```rust, no_run
- /// use std::sync::Arc;
- ///
- /// use cdk::amount::SplitTarget;
- /// use cdk::cdk_database::WalletMemoryDatabase;
- /// use cdk::nuts::CurrencyUnit;
- /// use cdk::wallet::Wallet;
- /// use rand::Rng;
- ///
- /// #[tokio::main]
- /// async fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
- /// let seed = rand::thread_rng().gen::<[u8; 32]>();
- /// let mint_url = "https://testnut.cashu.space";
- /// let unit = CurrencyUnit::Sat;
- ///
- /// let localstore = WalletMemoryDatabase::default();
- /// let wallet = Wallet::new(mint_url, unit, Arc::new(localstore), &seed, None).unwrap();
- /// let token = "cashuAeyJ0b2tlbiI6W3sicHJvb2ZzIjpbeyJhbW91bnQiOjEsInNlY3JldCI6ImI0ZjVlNDAxMDJhMzhiYjg3NDNiOTkwMzU5MTU1MGYyZGEzZTQxNWEzMzU0OTUyN2M2MmM5ZDc5MGVmYjM3MDUiLCJDIjoiMDIzYmU1M2U4YzYwNTMwZWVhOWIzOTQzZmRhMWEyY2U3MWM3YjNmMGNmMGRjNmQ4NDZmYTc2NWFhZjc3OWZhODFkIiwiaWQiOiIwMDlhMWYyOTMyNTNlNDFlIn1dLCJtaW50IjoiaHR0cHM6Ly90ZXN0bnV0LmNhc2h1LnNwYWNlIn1dLCJ1bml0Ijoic2F0In0=";
- /// let amount_receive = wallet.receive(token, SplitTarget::default(), &[], &[]).await?;
- /// Ok(())
- /// }
- /// ```
- #[instrument(skip_all)]
- pub async fn receive(
- &self,
- encoded_token: &str,
- amount_split_target: SplitTarget,
- p2pk_signing_keys: &[SecretKey],
- preimages: &[String],
- ) -> Result<Amount, Error> {
- let token_data = Token::from_str(encoded_token)?;
- let unit = token_data.unit().unwrap_or_default();
- if unit != self.unit {
- return Err(Error::UnitUnsupported);
- }
- let proofs = token_data.proofs();
- if proofs.len() != 1 {
- return Err(Error::MultiMintTokenNotSupported);
- }
- let (mint_url, proofs) = proofs.into_iter().next().expect("Token has proofs");
- if self.mint_url != mint_url {
- return Err(Error::IncorrectMint);
- }
- let amount = self
- .receive_proofs(proofs, amount_split_target, p2pk_signing_keys, preimages)
- .await?;
- Ok(amount)
- }
/// Restore
pub async fn restore(&self) -> Result<Amount, Error> {