@@ -29,14 +29,14 @@ pub use types::{MeltQuote, MintQuote};
pub struct Mint {
/// Mint Url
pub mint_url: UncheckedUrl,
- mint_info: MintInfo,
+ /// Mint Info
+ pub mint_info: MintInfo,
+ /// Mint Storage backend
+ pub localstore: Arc<dyn MintDatabase<Err = cdk_database::Error> + Send + Sync>,
+ /// Active Mint Keysets
keysets: Arc<RwLock<HashMap<Id, MintKeySet>>>,
secp_ctx: Secp256k1<secp256k1::All>,
xpriv: ExtendedPrivKey,
- /// Mint Expected [`FeeReserve`]
- pub fee_reserve: FeeReserve,
- /// Mint Storage backend
- pub localstore: Arc<dyn MintDatabase<Err = cdk_database::Error> + Send + Sync>,
impl Mint {
@@ -46,46 +46,105 @@ impl Mint {
seed: &[u8],
mint_info: MintInfo,
localstore: Arc<dyn MintDatabase<Err = cdk_database::Error> + Send + Sync>,
- min_fee_reserve: Amount,
- percent_fee_reserve: f32,
- input_fee_ppk: u64,
+ // Hashmap where the key is the unit and value is (input fee ppk, max_order)
+ supported_units: HashMap<CurrencyUnit, (u64, u8)>,
) -> Result<Self, Error> {
let secp_ctx = Secp256k1::new();
let xpriv =
ExtendedPrivKey::new_master(bitcoin::Network::Bitcoin, seed).expect("RNG busted");
- let mut keysets = HashMap::new();
+ let mut active_keysets = HashMap::new();
let keysets_infos = localstore.get_keyset_infos().await?;
match keysets_infos.is_empty() {
false => {
- for keyset_info in keysets_infos {
- let mut keyset_info = keyset_info;
- keyset_info.input_fee_ppk = input_fee_ppk;
- localstore.add_keyset_info(keyset_info.clone()).await?;
- if keyset_info.active {
+ tracing::debug!("Setting all saved keysets to inactive");
+ for keyset in keysets_infos.clone() {
+ // Set all to in active
+ let mut keyset = keyset;
+ keyset.active = false;
+ localstore.add_keyset_info(keyset).await?;
+ }
+ let keysets_by_unit: HashMap<CurrencyUnit, Vec<MintKeySetInfo>> =
+ keysets_infos.iter().fold(HashMap::new(), |mut acc, ks| {
+ acc.entry(ks.unit).or_default().push(ks.clone());
+ acc
+ });
+ for (unit, keysets) in keysets_by_unit {
+ let mut keysets = keysets;
+ keysets.sort_by(|a, b| b.derivation_path_index.cmp(&a.derivation_path_index));
+ let highest_index_keyset = keysets
+ .first()
+ .cloned()
+ .expect("unit will not be added to hashmap if empty");
+ let keysets: Vec<MintKeySetInfo> = keysets
+ .into_iter()
+ .filter(|ks| ks.derivation_path_index.is_some())
+ .collect();
+ if let Some((input_fee_ppk, max_order)) = supported_units.get(&unit) {
+ let derivation_path_index = if keysets.is_empty() {
+ 1
+ } else if &highest_index_keyset.input_fee_ppk == input_fee_ppk
+ && &highest_index_keyset.max_order == max_order
+ {
+ let id = highest_index_keyset.id;
+ let keyset = MintKeySet::generate_from_xpriv(
+ &secp_ctx,
+ xpriv,
+ highest_index_keyset.clone(),
+ );
+ active_keysets.insert(id, keyset);
+ let mut keyset_info = highest_index_keyset;
+ keyset_info.active = true;
+ localstore.add_keyset_info(keyset_info).await?;
+ localstore.add_active_keyset(unit, id).await?;
+ continue;
+ } else {
+ highest_index_keyset.derivation_path_index.unwrap_or(0) + 1
+ };
+ let derivation_path =
+ derivation_path_from_unit(unit, derivation_path_index);
+ let (keyset, keyset_info) = create_new_keyset(
+ &secp_ctx,
+ xpriv,
+ derivation_path,
+ Some(derivation_path_index),
+ unit,
+ *max_order,
+ *input_fee_ppk,
+ );
let id = keyset_info.id;
- let keyset = MintKeySet::generate_from_xpriv(&secp_ctx, xpriv, keyset_info);
- keysets.insert(id, keyset);
+ localstore.add_keyset_info(keyset_info).await?;
+ localstore.add_active_keyset(unit, id).await?;
+ active_keysets.insert(id, keyset);
true => {
- let derivation_path = DerivationPath::from(vec![
- ChildNumber::from_hardened_idx(0).expect("0 is a valid index")
- ]);
- let (keyset, keyset_info) = create_new_keyset(
- &secp_ctx,
- xpriv,
- derivation_path,
- CurrencyUnit::Sat,
- 64,
- input_fee_ppk,
- );
- let id = keyset_info.id;
- localstore.add_keyset_info(keyset_info).await?;
- localstore.add_active_keyset(CurrencyUnit::Sat, id).await?;
- keysets.insert(id, keyset);
+ for (unit, (input_fee_ppk, max_order)) in supported_units {
+ let derivation_path = derivation_path_from_unit(unit, 0);
+ tracing::debug!("Der: {}", derivation_path);
+ let (keyset, keyset_info) = create_new_keyset(
+ &secp_ctx,
+ xpriv,
+ derivation_path,
+ Some(0),
+ unit,
+ max_order,
+ input_fee_ppk,
+ );
+ let id = keyset_info.id;
+ localstore.add_keyset_info(keyset_info).await?;
+ localstore.add_active_keyset(CurrencyUnit::Sat, id).await?;
+ active_keysets.insert(id, keyset);
+ }
@@ -93,14 +152,10 @@ impl Mint {
Ok(Self {
- keysets: Arc::new(RwLock::new(keysets)),
+ keysets: Arc::new(RwLock::new(active_keysets)),
- fee_reserve: FeeReserve {
- min_fee_reserve,
- percent_fee_reserve,
- },
@@ -366,14 +421,16 @@ impl Mint {
pub async fn rotate_keyset(
unit: CurrencyUnit,
- derivation_path: DerivationPath,
+ derivation_path_index: u32,
max_order: u8,
input_fee_ppk: u64,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
+ let derivation_path = derivation_path_from_unit(unit, derivation_path_index);
let (keyset, keyset_info) = create_new_keyset(
+ Some(derivation_path_index),
@@ -1019,8 +1076,10 @@ pub struct MintKeySetInfo {
/// When the Keyset is valid to
/// This is not shown to the wallet and can only be used internally
pub valid_to: Option<u64>,
- /// [`DerivationPath`] of Keyset
+ /// [`DerivationPath`] keyset
pub derivation_path: DerivationPath,
+ /// DerivationPath index of Keyset
+ pub derivation_path_index: Option<u32>,
/// Max order of keyset
pub max_order: u8,
/// Input Fee ppk
@@ -1049,6 +1108,7 @@ fn create_new_keyset<C: secp256k1::Signing>(
secp: &secp256k1::Secp256k1<C>,
xpriv: ExtendedPrivKey,
derivation_path: DerivationPath,
+ derivation_path_index: Option<u32>,
unit: CurrencyUnit,
max_order: u8,
input_fee_ppk: u64,
@@ -1068,8 +1128,17 @@ fn create_new_keyset<C: secp256k1::Signing>(
valid_from: unix_time(),
valid_to: None,
+ derivation_path_index,
(keyset, keyset_info)
+fn derivation_path_from_unit(unit: CurrencyUnit, index: u32) -> DerivationPath {
+ DerivationPath::from(vec![
+ ChildNumber::from_hardened_idx(0).expect("0 is a valid index"),
+ ChildNumber::from_hardened_idx(unit.derivation_index()).expect("0 is a valid index"),
+ ChildNumber::from_hardened_idx(index).expect("0 is a valid index"),
+ ])