@@ -0,0 +1,402 @@
+use std::str::FromStr;
+use anyhow::Result;
+use axum::extract::{Json, Path, State};
+use axum::http::StatusCode;
+use axum::response::{IntoResponse, Response};
+use cdk::cdk_lightning::to_unit;
+use cdk::error::{Error, ErrorResponse};
+use cdk::nuts::nut05::MeltBolt11Response;
+use cdk::nuts::{
+ CheckStateRequest, CheckStateResponse, CurrencyUnit, Id, KeysResponse, KeysetResponse,
+ MeltBolt11Request, MeltQuoteBolt11Request, MeltQuoteBolt11Response, MintBolt11Request,
+ MintBolt11Response, MintInfo, MintQuoteBolt11Request, MintQuoteBolt11Response, MintQuoteState,
+ RestoreRequest, RestoreResponse, SwapRequest, SwapResponse,
+use cdk::util::unix_time;
+use cdk::Bolt11Invoice;
+use crate::MintState;
+pub async fn get_keys(State(state): State<MintState>) -> Result<Json<KeysResponse>, Response> {
+ let pubkeys = state.mint.pubkeys().await.map_err(|err| {
+ tracing::error!("Could not get keys: {}", err);
+ into_response(err)
+ })?;
+ Ok(Json(pubkeys))
+pub async fn get_keyset_pubkeys(
+ State(state): State<MintState>,
+ Path(keyset_id): Path<Id>,
+) -> Result<Json<KeysResponse>, Response> {
+ let pubkeys = state.mint.keyset_pubkeys(&keyset_id).await.map_err(|err| {
+ tracing::error!("Could not get keyset pubkeys: {}", err);
+ into_response(err)
+ })?;
+ Ok(Json(pubkeys))
+pub async fn get_keysets(State(state): State<MintState>) -> Result<Json<KeysetResponse>, Response> {
+ let mint = state.mint.keysets().await.map_err(|err| {
+ tracing::error!("Could not get keyset: {}", err);
+ into_response(err)
+ })?;
+ Ok(Json(mint))
+pub async fn get_mint_bolt11_quote(
+ State(state): State<MintState>,
+ Json(payload): Json<MintQuoteBolt11Request>,
+) -> Result<Json<MintQuoteBolt11Response>, Response> {
+ let amount =
+ to_unit(payload.amount, &payload.unit, &state.ln.get_base_unit()).map_err(|err| {
+ tracing::error!("Backed does not support unit: {}", err);
+ into_response(Error::UnsupportedUnit)
+ })?;
+ let quote_expiry = unix_time() + state.quote_ttl;
+ let create_invoice_response = state
+ .ln
+ .create_invoice(amount, "".to_string(), quote_expiry)
+ .await
+ .map_err(|err| {
+ tracing::error!("Could not create invoice: {}", err);
+ into_response(Error::InvalidPaymentRequest)
+ })?;
+ let quote = state
+ .mint
+ .new_mint_quote(
+ state.mint_url.into(),
+ create_invoice_response.request.to_string(),
+ payload.unit,
+ payload.amount,
+ quote_expiry,
+ create_invoice_response.request_lookup_id,
+ )
+ .await
+ .map_err(|err| {
+ tracing::error!("Could not create new mint quote: {}", err);
+ into_response(err)
+ })?;
+ Ok(Json(quote.into()))
+pub async fn get_check_mint_bolt11_quote(
+ State(state): State<MintState>,
+ Path(quote_id): Path<String>,
+) -> Result<Json<MintQuoteBolt11Response>, Response> {
+ let quote = state
+ .mint
+ .check_mint_quote("e_id)
+ .await
+ .map_err(|err| {
+ tracing::error!("Could not check mint quote {}: {}", quote_id, err);
+ into_response(err)
+ })?;
+ Ok(Json(quote))
+pub async fn post_mint_bolt11(
+ State(state): State<MintState>,
+ Json(payload): Json<MintBolt11Request>,
+) -> Result<Json<MintBolt11Response>, Response> {
+ let res = state
+ .mint
+ .process_mint_request(payload)
+ .await
+ .map_err(|err| {
+ tracing::error!("Could not process mint: {}", err);
+ into_response(err)
+ })?;
+ Ok(Json(res))
+pub async fn get_melt_bolt11_quote(
+ State(state): State<MintState>,
+ Json(payload): Json<MeltQuoteBolt11Request>,
+) -> Result<Json<MeltQuoteBolt11Response>, Response> {
+ let invoice_amount_msat = payload
+ .request
+ .amount_milli_satoshis()
+ .ok_or(Error::InvoiceAmountUndefined)
+ .map_err(into_response)?;
+ // Convert amount to quote unit
+ let amount =
+ to_unit(invoice_amount_msat, &CurrencyUnit::Msat, &payload.unit).map_err(|err| {
+ tracing::error!("Backed does not support unit: {}", err);
+ into_response(Error::UnsupportedUnit)
+ })?;
+ let payment_quote = state.ln.get_payment_quote(&payload).await.unwrap();
+ let quote = state
+ .mint
+ .new_melt_quote(
+ payload.request.to_string(),
+ payload.unit,
+ amount.into(),
+ payment_quote.fee.into(),
+ unix_time() + state.quote_ttl,
+ payment_quote.request_lookup_id,
+ )
+ .await
+ .map_err(|err| {
+ tracing::error!("Could not create melt quote: {}", err);
+ into_response(err)
+ })?;
+ Ok(Json(quote.into()))
+pub async fn get_check_melt_bolt11_quote(
+ State(state): State<MintState>,
+ Path(quote_id): Path<String>,
+) -> Result<Json<MeltQuoteBolt11Response>, Response> {
+ let quote = state
+ .mint
+ .check_melt_quote("e_id)
+ .await
+ .map_err(|err| {
+ tracing::error!("Could not check melt quote: {}", err);
+ into_response(err)
+ })?;
+ Ok(Json(quote))
+pub async fn post_melt_bolt11(
+ State(state): State<MintState>,
+ Json(payload): Json<MeltBolt11Request>,
+) -> Result<Json<MeltBolt11Response>, Response> {
+ let quote = match state.mint.verify_melt_request(&payload).await {
+ Ok(quote) => quote,
+ Err(err) => {
+ tracing::debug!("Error attempting to verify melt quote: {}", err);
+ if let Err(err) = state.mint.process_unpaid_melt(&payload).await {
+ tracing::error!("Could not reset melt quote state: {}", err);
+ }
+ return Err(into_response(Error::MeltRequestInvalid));
+ }
+ };
+ // Check to see if there is a corresponding mint quote for a melt.
+ // In this case the mint can settle the payment internally and no ln payment is needed
+ let mint_quote = match state
+ .mint
+ .localstore
+ .get_mint_quote_by_request("e.request)
+ .await
+ {
+ Ok(mint_quote) => mint_quote,
+ Err(err) => {
+ tracing::debug!("Error attempting to get mint quote: {}", err);
+ if let Err(err) = state.mint.process_unpaid_melt(&payload).await {
+ tracing::error!("Could not reset melt quote state: {}", err);
+ }
+ return Err(into_response(Error::DatabaseError));
+ }
+ };
+ let inputs_amount_quote_unit = payload.proofs_amount();
+ let (preimage, amount_spent_quote_unit) = match mint_quote {
+ Some(mint_quote) => {
+ let mut mint_quote = mint_quote;
+ if mint_quote.amount > inputs_amount_quote_unit {
+ tracing::debug!(
+ "Not enough inuts provided: {} needed {}",
+ inputs_amount_quote_unit,
+ mint_quote.amount
+ );
+ if let Err(err) = state.mint.process_unpaid_melt(&payload).await {
+ tracing::error!("Could not reset melt quote state: {}", err);
+ }
+ return Err(into_response(Error::InsufficientInputProofs));
+ }
+ mint_quote.state = MintQuoteState::Paid;
+ let amount = quote.amount;
+ if let Err(_err) = state.mint.update_mint_quote(mint_quote).await {
+ if let Err(err) = state.mint.process_unpaid_melt(&payload).await {
+ tracing::error!("Could not reset melt quote state: {}", err);
+ }
+ return Err(into_response(Error::DatabaseError));
+ }
+ (None, amount)
+ }
+ None => {
+ let invoice = match Bolt11Invoice::from_str("e.request) {
+ Ok(bolt11) => bolt11,
+ Err(_) => {
+ tracing::error!("Melt quote has invalid payment request");
+ if let Err(err) = state.mint.process_unpaid_melt(&payload).await {
+ tracing::error!("Could not reset melt quote state: {}", err);
+ }
+ return Err(into_response(Error::InvalidPaymentRequest));
+ }
+ };
+ let mut partial_msats = None;
+ let mut max_fee_msats = None;
+ // If the quote unit is SAT or MSAT we can check that the expected fees are provided.
+ // We also check if the quote is less then the invoice amount in the case that it is a mmp
+ // However, if the quote id not of a bitcoin unit we cannot do these checks as the mint
+ // is unaware of a conversion rate. In this case it is assumed that the quote is correct
+ // and the mint should pay the full invoice amount if inputs > then quote.amount are included.
+ // This is checked in the verify_melt method.
+ if quote.unit == CurrencyUnit::Msat || quote.unit == CurrencyUnit::Sat {
+ let quote_msats = to_unit(quote.amount, "e.unit, &CurrencyUnit::Msat)
+ .expect("Quote unit is checked above that it can convert to msat");
+ let invoice_amount_msats = match invoice.amount_milli_satoshis() {
+ Some(amount) => amount,
+ None => {
+ if let Err(err) = state.mint.process_unpaid_melt(&payload).await {
+ tracing::error!("Could not reset melt quote state: {}", err);
+ }
+ return Err(into_response(Error::InvoiceAmountUndefined));
+ }
+ };
+ partial_msats = match invoice_amount_msats > quote_msats {
+ true => Some(invoice_amount_msats - quote_msats),
+ false => None,
+ };
+ let max_fee = to_unit(quote.fee_reserve, "e.unit, &CurrencyUnit::Msat)
+ .expect("Quote unit is checked above that it can convert to msat");
+ max_fee_msats = Some(max_fee);
+ let amount_to_pay_msats = match partial_msats {
+ Some(amount_to_pay) => amount_to_pay,
+ None => invoice_amount_msats,
+ };
+ let input_amount_msats =
+ to_unit(inputs_amount_quote_unit, "e.unit, &CurrencyUnit::Msat)
+ .expect("Quote unit is checked above that it can convert to msat");
+ if amount_to_pay_msats + max_fee > input_amount_msats {
+ tracing::debug!(
+ "Not enough inuts provided: {} msats needed {} msats",
+ input_amount_msats,
+ amount_to_pay_msats
+ );
+ if let Err(err) = state.mint.process_unpaid_melt(&payload).await {
+ tracing::error!("Could not reset melt quote state: {}", err);
+ }
+ return Err(into_response(Error::InsufficientInputProofs));
+ }
+ }
+ let pre = match state
+ .ln
+ .pay_invoice(quote.clone(), partial_msats, max_fee_msats)
+ .await
+ {
+ Ok(pay) => pay,
+ Err(err) => {
+ tracing::error!("Could not pay invoice: {}", err);
+ if let Err(err) = state.mint.process_unpaid_melt(&payload).await {
+ tracing::error!("Could not reset melt quote state: {}", err);
+ }
+ return Err(into_response(Error::PaymentFailed));
+ }
+ };
+ let amount_spent = to_unit(
+ pre.total_spent_msats,
+ &state.ln.get_base_unit(),
+ "e.unit,
+ )
+ .map_err(|_| into_response(Error::UnsupportedUnit))?;
+ (pre.payment_preimage, amount_spent.into())
+ }
+ };
+ let res = state
+ .mint
+ .process_melt_request(&payload, preimage, amount_spent_quote_unit)
+ .await
+ .map_err(|err| {
+ tracing::error!("Could not process melt request: {}", err);
+ into_response(err)
+ })?;
+ Ok(Json(res.into()))
+pub async fn post_check(
+ State(state): State<MintState>,
+ Json(payload): Json<CheckStateRequest>,
+) -> Result<Json<CheckStateResponse>, Response> {
+ let state = state.mint.check_state(&payload).await.map_err(|err| {
+ tracing::error!("Could not check state of proofs");
+ into_response(err)
+ })?;
+ Ok(Json(state))
+pub async fn get_mint_info(State(state): State<MintState>) -> Result<Json<MintInfo>, Response> {
+ Ok(Json(state.mint.mint_info().clone()))
+pub async fn post_swap(
+ State(state): State<MintState>,
+ Json(payload): Json<SwapRequest>,
+) -> Result<Json<SwapResponse>, Response> {
+ let swap_response = state
+ .mint
+ .process_swap_request(payload)
+ .await
+ .map_err(|err| {
+ tracing::error!("Could not process swap request: {}", err);
+ into_response(err)
+ })?;
+ Ok(Json(swap_response))
+pub async fn post_restore(
+ State(state): State<MintState>,
+ Json(payload): Json<RestoreRequest>,
+) -> Result<Json<RestoreResponse>, Response> {
+ let restore_response = state.mint.restore(payload).await.map_err(|err| {
+ tracing::error!("Could not process restore: {}", err);
+ into_response(err)
+ })?;
+ Ok(Json(restore_response))
+pub fn into_response<T>(error: T) -> Response
+ T: Into<ErrorResponse>,
+ (
+ Json::<ErrorResponse>(error.into()),
+ )
+ .into_response()