@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+use std::fs;
+use std::str::FromStr;
+use std::sync::Arc;
+use anyhow::{bail, Result};
+use cdk::cdk_database::WalletDatabase;
+use cdk::wallet::Wallet;
+use cdk::{cdk_database, Mnemonic};
+use cdk_redb::RedbWalletDatabase;
+use cdk_sqlite::WalletSQLiteDatabase;
+use clap::{Parser, Subcommand};
+use rand::Rng;
+mod sub_commands;
+/// Simple CLI application to interact with cashu
+#[command(name = "cashu-tool")]
+#[command(author = "thesimplekid <tsk@thesimplekid.com>")]
+#[command(version = "0.1")]
+#[command(author, version, about, long_about = None)]
+struct Cli {
+ /// Database engine to use (sqlite/redb)
+ #[arg(short, long, default_value = "sqlite")]
+ engine: String,
+ /// Path to Seed
+ #[arg(short, long, default_value = "./seed")]
+ seed_path: String,
+ /// File Path to save proofs
+ #[arg(short, long)]
+ db_path: Option<String>,
+ #[command(subcommand)]
+ command: Commands,
+const DEFAULT_REDB_DB_PATH: &str = "./cashu_tool.redb";
+const DEFAULT_SQLITE_DB_PATH: &str = "./cashu_tool.redb";
+enum Commands {
+ /// Decode a token
+ DecodeToken(sub_commands::decode_token::DecodeTokenSubCommand),
+ /// Pay bolt11 invoice
+ Melt(sub_commands::melt::MeltSubCommand),
+ /// Receive token
+ Receive(sub_commands::receive::ReceiveSubCommand),
+ /// Create token from wallet balance
+ CreateToken(sub_commands::create_token::CreateTokenSubCommand),
+ /// Check if wallet balance is spendable
+ CheckSpendable,
+ /// View mint info
+ MintInfo(sub_commands::mint_info::MintInfoSubcommand),
+ /// Mint proofs via bolt11
+ Mint(sub_commands::mint::MintSubCommand),
+ /// Restore proofs from seed
+ Restore(sub_commands::restore::RestoreSubCommand),
+async fn main() -> Result<()> {
+ tracing_subscriber::fmt()
+ .with_max_level(tracing::Level::WARN)
+ .init();
+ // Parse input
+ let args: Cli = Cli::parse();
+ let localstore: Arc<dyn WalletDatabase<Err = cdk_database::Error> + Send + Sync> =
+ match args.engine.as_str() {
+ "sqlite" => Arc::new(RedbWalletDatabase::new(DEFAULT_REDB_DB_PATH)?),
+ "redb" => Arc::new(WalletSQLiteDatabase::new(DEFAULT_SQLITE_DB_PATH).await?),
+ _ => bail!("Unknown DB engine"),
+ };
+ let mnemonic = match fs::metadata(args.seed_path.clone()) {
+ Ok(_) => {
+ let contents = fs::read_to_string(args.seed_path.clone())?;
+ Mnemonic::from_str(&contents)?
+ }
+ Err(_e) => {
+ let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
+ let random_bytes: [u8; 32] = rng.gen();
+ let mnemnic = Mnemonic::from_entropy(&random_bytes)?;
+ tracing::info!("Using randomly generated seed you will not be able to restore");
+ mnemnic
+ }
+ };
+ let wallet = Wallet::new(localstore, &mnemonic.to_seed_normalized(""), vec![]);
+ match &args.command {
+ Commands::DecodeToken(sub_command_args) => {
+ sub_commands::decode_token::decode_token(sub_command_args)
+ }
+ Commands::Melt(sub_command_args) => {
+ sub_commands::melt::melt(wallet, sub_command_args).await
+ }
+ Commands::Receive(sub_command_args) => {
+ sub_commands::receive::receive(wallet, sub_command_args).await
+ }
+ Commands::CreateToken(sub_command_args) => {
+ sub_commands::create_token::create_token(wallet, sub_command_args).await
+ }
+ Commands::CheckSpendable => sub_commands::check_spent::check_spent(wallet).await,
+ Commands::MintInfo(sub_command_args) => {
+ sub_commands::mint_info::mint_info(sub_command_args).await
+ }
+ Commands::Mint(sub_command_args) => {
+ sub_commands::mint::mint(wallet, sub_command_args).await
+ }
+ Commands::Restore(sub_command_args) => {
+ sub_commands::restore::restore(wallet, sub_command_args).await
+ }
+ }