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+# Development Guide
+This guide will help you set up your development environment for working with the CDK repository.
+## Prerequisites
+Before you begin, ensure you have:
+- Git installed on your system
+- GitHub account
+- Basic familiarity with command line operations
+## Initial Setup
+### 1. Fork and Clone the Repository
+1. Navigate to the CDK repository on GitHub
+2. Click the "Fork" button in the top-right corner
+3. Clone your forked repository:
+git clone https://github.com/YOUR-USERNAME/cdk.git
+cd cdk
+### 2. Install Nix
+MIT License
+Copyright (c) 2021 elsirion
+CDK uses [Nix](https://nixos.org/explore.html) for building, CI, and managing dev environment.
+Note: only `Nix` (the language & package manager) and not the NixOS (the Linux distribution) is needed.
+Nix can be installed on any Linux distribution and macOS.
+While it is technically possible to not use Nix, it is highly recommended as
+it ensures consistent and reproducible environment for all developers.
+### Install Nix
+You have 2 options to install nix:
+* **RECOMMENDED:** The [Determinate Nix Installer](https://github.com/DeterminateSystems/nix-installer)
+* [The official installer](https://nixos.org/download.html)
+> nix --version
+nix (Nix) 2.9.1
+The exact version might be different.
+### Enable nix flakes
+If you installed Nix using the "determinate installer" you can skip this step. If you used the "official installer", edit either `~/.config/nix/nix.conf` or `/etc/nix/nix.conf` and add:
+experimental-features = nix-command flakes
+If the Nix installation is in multi-user mode, don’t forget to restart the nix-daemon.
+## Use Nix Shell
+ nix develop -c $SHELL
+## Common Development Tasks
+### Building the Project
+just build
+### Running Unit Tests
+just test
+### Running Integration Tests
+### Running Format
+just format
+### Running Clippy
+just clippy
+### Running final check before commit
+just final-check
+## Best Practices
+1. **Branch Management**
+ - Create feature branches from `main`
+ - Use descriptive branch names: `feature/new-feature` or `fix/bug-description`
+2. **Commit Messages**
+ - Follow conventional commits format
+ - Begin with type: `feat:`, `fix:`, `docs:`, `chore:`, etc.
+ - Provide clear, concise descriptions
+3. **Testing**
+ - Write tests for new features
+ - Ensure all tests pass before submitting PR
+ - Include integration tests where applicable
+## Troubleshooting
+### Common Issues
+1. **Development Shell Issues**
+ - Clean Nix store: `nix-collect-garbage -d`
+ - Remove and recreate development shell
+### Getting Help
+- Open an issue on GitHub
+- Check existing issues for similar problems
+- Include relevant error messages and system information
+- Reach out in Discord [Invite link](https://discord.gg/tUxMKd5YjN)
+## Contributing
+1. Create a feature branch
+2. Make your changes
+3. Run tests and formatting
+4. Submit a pull request
+5. Wait for review and address feedback
+## Additional Resources
+- [Nix Documentation](https://nixos.org/manual/nix/stable/)
+- [Contributing Guidelines](CONTRIBUTING.md)
+## License
+Refer to the LICENSE file in the repository for terms of use and distribution.