@@ -431,51 +431,7 @@ impl<C: Client, L: LocalStore> Wallet<C, L> {
- /*
- /// Create Swap Payload
- async fn create_swap_signed(
- &mut self,
- mint_url: &UncheckedUrl,
- unit: &CurrencyUnit,
- amount: Option<Amount>,
- proofs: Proofs,
- signing_key: Option<SigningKey>,
- ) -> Result<PreSwap, Error> {
- let active_keyset_id = self.active_mint_keyset(mint_url, unit).await?.unwrap();
- let pre_mint_secrets = if let Some(amount) = amount {
- let mut desired_messages = PreMintSecrets::random(active_keyset_id, amount)?;
- let change_amount = proofs.iter().map(|p| p.amount).sum::<Amount>() - amount;
- let change_messages = if let Some(signing_key) = signing_key {
- PreMintSecrets::random_signed(active_keyset_id, change_amount, signing_key)?
- } else {
- PreMintSecrets::random(active_keyset_id, change_amount)?
- };
- // Combine the BlindedMessages totoalling the desired amount with change
- desired_messages.combine(change_messages);
- // Sort the premint secrets to avoid finger printing
- desired_messages.sort_secrets();
- desired_messages
- } else {
- let amount = proofs.iter().map(|p| p.amount).sum();
- if let Some(signing_key) = signing_key {
- PreMintSecrets::random_signed(active_keyset_id, amount, signing_key)?
- } else {
- PreMintSecrets::random(active_keyset_id, amount)?
- }
- };
- let swap_request = SwapRequest::new(proofs, pre_mint_secrets.blinded_messages());
- Ok(PreSwap {
- pre_mint_secrets,
- swap_request,
- })
- }
- */
pub async fn process_swap_response(
blinded_messages: PreMintSecrets,
@@ -894,70 +850,6 @@ impl<C: Client, L: LocalStore> Wallet<C, L> {
- /*
- pub async fn claim_p2pk_locked_proofs(
- &mut self,
- sigflag: SigFlag,
- mint_url: &UncheckedUrl,
- unit: &CurrencyUnit,
- signing_key: SigningKey,
- proofs: Proofs,
- ) -> Result<(), Error> {
- let active_keyset_id = self.active_mint_keyset(&mint_url, &unit).await?;
- let keys = self.localstore.get_keys(&active_keyset_id.unwrap()).await?;
- let mut signed_proofs: Proofs = Vec::with_capacity(proofs.len());
- // Sum amount of all proofs
- let amount: Amount = proofs.iter().map(|p| p.amount).sum();
- for p in proofs.clone() {
- let mut p = p;
- p.sign_p2pk_proof(signing_key.clone()).unwrap();
- signed_proofs.push(p);
- }
- let pre_swap = match sigflag {
- SigFlag::SigInputs => {
- self.create_swap(mint_url, &unit, Some(amount), signed_proofs)
- .await?
- }
- SigFlag::SigAll => {
- self.create_swap_signed(
- mint_url,
- unit,
- Some(amount),
- signed_proofs,
- Some(signing_key),
- )
- .await?
- }
- _ => todo!(),
- };
- let swap_response = self
- .client
- .post_swap(mint_url.clone().try_into()?, pre_swap.swap_request)
- .await?;
- // Proof to keep
- let p = construct_proofs(
- swap_response.signatures,
- pre_swap.pre_mint_secrets.rs(),
- pre_swap.pre_mint_secrets.secrets(),
- &keys.unwrap(),
- )?;
- self.localstore
- .remove_proofs(mint_url.clone(), &proofs)
- .await?;
- self.localstore.add_proofs(mint_url.clone(), p).await?;
- Ok(())
- }
- */
pub fn proofs_to_token(