@@ -1,27 +1,30 @@
//! Specific Subscription for the cdk crate
-use std::ops::Deref;
use std::str::FromStr;
-use std::sync::Arc;
+use serde::de::DeserializeOwned;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
-mod on_subscription;
-pub use on_subscription::OnSubscription;
use uuid::Uuid;
use super::PublicKey;
-use crate::cdk_database::{self, MintDatabase};
use crate::nuts::{
- BlindSignature, CurrencyUnit, MeltQuoteBolt11Response, MeltQuoteState, MintQuoteBolt11Response,
- MintQuoteState, PaymentMethod, ProofState,
+ CurrencyUnit, MeltQuoteBolt11Response, MintQuoteBolt11Response, PaymentMethod, ProofState,
+use crate::pub_sub::{Index, Indexable, SubscriptionGlobalId};
+#[cfg(feature = "mint")]
+mod manager;
+#[cfg(feature = "mint")]
+mod on_subscription;
+#[cfg(feature = "mint")]
+pub use manager::PubSubManager;
+#[cfg(feature = "mint")]
+pub use on_subscription::OnSubscription;
pub use crate::pub_sub::SubId;
-use crate::pub_sub::{self, Index, Indexable, SubscriptionGlobalId};
+pub mod ws;
/// Subscription Parameter according to the standard
-#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Eq, PartialEq, Hash, Deserialize)]
pub struct Params {
/// Kind
pub kind: Kind,
@@ -88,31 +91,32 @@ impl Default for SupportedMethods {
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
+#[serde(bound = "T: Serialize + DeserializeOwned")]
/// Subscription response
-pub enum NotificationPayload {
+pub enum NotificationPayload<T> {
/// Proof State
/// Melt Quote Bolt11 Response
- MeltQuoteBolt11Response(MeltQuoteBolt11Response<Uuid>),
+ MeltQuoteBolt11Response(MeltQuoteBolt11Response<T>),
/// Mint Quote Bolt11 Response
- MintQuoteBolt11Response(MintQuoteBolt11Response<Uuid>),
+ MintQuoteBolt11Response(MintQuoteBolt11Response<T>),
-impl From<ProofState> for NotificationPayload {
- fn from(proof_state: ProofState) -> NotificationPayload {
+impl<T> From<ProofState> for NotificationPayload<T> {
+ fn from(proof_state: ProofState) -> NotificationPayload<T> {
-impl From<MeltQuoteBolt11Response<Uuid>> for NotificationPayload {
- fn from(melt_quote: MeltQuoteBolt11Response<Uuid>) -> NotificationPayload {
+impl<T> From<MeltQuoteBolt11Response<T>> for NotificationPayload<T> {
+ fn from(melt_quote: MeltQuoteBolt11Response<T>) -> NotificationPayload<T> {
-impl From<MintQuoteBolt11Response<Uuid>> for NotificationPayload {
- fn from(mint_quote: MintQuoteBolt11Response<Uuid>) -> NotificationPayload {
+impl<T> From<MintQuoteBolt11Response<T>> for NotificationPayload<T> {
+ fn from(mint_quote: MintQuoteBolt11Response<T>) -> NotificationPayload<T> {
@@ -128,7 +132,7 @@ pub enum Notification {
-impl Indexable for NotificationPayload {
+impl Indexable for NotificationPayload<Uuid> {
type Type = Notification;
fn to_indexes(&self) -> Vec<Index<Self::Type>> {
@@ -146,10 +150,9 @@ impl Indexable for NotificationPayload {
+/// Kind
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Eq, Ord, PartialOrd, PartialEq, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize)]
#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")]
-/// Kind
pub enum Kind {
/// Bolt 11 Melt Quote
@@ -188,208 +191,3 @@ impl From<Params> for Vec<Index<Notification>> {
// TODO don't unwrap, move to try from
-/// Manager
-/// Publish–subscribe manager
-/// Nut-17 implementation is system-wide and not only through the WebSocket, so
-/// it is possible for another part of the system to subscribe to events.
-pub struct PubSubManager(pub_sub::Manager<NotificationPayload, Notification, OnSubscription>);
-impl Default for PubSubManager {
- fn default() -> Self {
- PubSubManager(OnSubscription::default().into())
- }
-impl From<Arc<dyn MintDatabase<Err = cdk_database::Error> + Send + Sync>> for PubSubManager {
- fn from(val: Arc<dyn MintDatabase<Err = cdk_database::Error> + Send + Sync>) -> Self {
- PubSubManager(OnSubscription(Some(val)).into())
- }
-impl Deref for PubSubManager {
- type Target = pub_sub::Manager<NotificationPayload, Notification, OnSubscription>;
- fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
- &self.0
- }
-impl PubSubManager {
- /// Helper function to emit a ProofState status
- pub fn proof_state<E: Into<ProofState>>(&self, event: E) {
- self.broadcast(event.into().into());
- }
- /// Helper function to emit a MintQuoteBolt11Response status
- pub fn mint_quote_bolt11_status<E: Into<MintQuoteBolt11Response<Uuid>>>(
- &self,
- quote: E,
- new_state: MintQuoteState,
- ) {
- let mut event = quote.into();
- event.state = new_state;
- self.broadcast(event.into());
- }
- /// Helper function to emit a MeltQuoteBolt11Response status
- pub fn melt_quote_status<E: Into<MeltQuoteBolt11Response<Uuid>>>(
- &self,
- quote: E,
- payment_preimage: Option<String>,
- change: Option<Vec<BlindSignature>>,
- new_state: MeltQuoteState,
- ) {
- let mut quote = quote.into();
- quote.state = new_state;
- quote.paid = Some(new_state == MeltQuoteState::Paid);
- quote.payment_preimage = payment_preimage;
- quote.change = change;
- self.broadcast(quote.into());
- }
-mod test {
- use std::time::Duration;
- use tokio::time::sleep;
- use super::*;
- use crate::nuts::{PublicKey, State};
- #[tokio::test]
- async fn active_and_drop() {
- let manager = PubSubManager::default();
- let params = Params {
- kind: Kind::ProofState,
- filters: vec![PublicKey::from_hex(
- "02194603ffa36356f4a56b7df9371fc3192472351453ec7398b8da8117e7c3e104",
- )
- .unwrap()
- .to_string()],
- id: "uno".into(),
- };
- // Although the same param is used, two subscriptions are created, that
- // is because each index is unique, thanks to `Unique`, it is the
- // responsibility of the implementor to make sure that SubId are unique
- // either globally or per client
- let subscriptions = vec![
- manager.subscribe(params.clone()).await,
- manager.subscribe(params).await,
- ];
- assert_eq!(2, manager.active_subscriptions());
- drop(subscriptions);
- sleep(Duration::from_millis(10)).await;
- assert_eq!(0, manager.active_subscriptions());
- }
- #[tokio::test]
- async fn broadcast() {
- let manager = PubSubManager::default();
- let mut subscriptions = [
- manager
- .subscribe(Params {
- kind: Kind::ProofState,
- filters: vec![
- "02194603ffa36356f4a56b7df9371fc3192472351453ec7398b8da8117e7c3e104"
- .to_string(),
- ],
- id: "uno".into(),
- })
- .await,
- manager
- .subscribe(Params {
- kind: Kind::ProofState,
- filters: vec![
- "02194603ffa36356f4a56b7df9371fc3192472351453ec7398b8da8117e7c3e104"
- .to_string(),
- ],
- id: "dos".into(),
- })
- .await,
- ];
- let event = ProofState {
- y: PublicKey::from_hex(
- "02194603ffa36356f4a56b7df9371fc3192472351453ec7398b8da8117e7c3e104",
- )
- .expect("valid pk"),
- state: State::Pending,
- witness: None,
- };
- manager.broadcast(event.into());
- sleep(Duration::from_millis(10)).await;
- let (sub1, _) = subscriptions[0].try_recv().expect("valid message");
- assert_eq!("uno", *sub1);
- let (sub1, _) = subscriptions[1].try_recv().expect("valid message");
- assert_eq!("dos", *sub1);
- assert!(subscriptions[0].try_recv().is_err());
- assert!(subscriptions[1].try_recv().is_err());
- }
- #[test]
- fn parsing_request() {
- let json = r#"{"kind":"proof_state","filters":["x"],"subId":"uno"}"#;
- let params: Params = serde_json::from_str(json).expect("valid json");
- assert_eq!(params.kind, Kind::ProofState);
- assert_eq!(params.filters, vec!["x"]);
- assert_eq!(*params.id, "uno");
- }
- #[tokio::test]
- async fn json_test() {
- let manager = PubSubManager::default();
- let mut subscription = manager
- .subscribe::<Params>(
- serde_json::from_str(r#"{"kind":"proof_state","filters":["02194603ffa36356f4a56b7df9371fc3192472351453ec7398b8da8117e7c3e104"],"subId":"uno"}"#)
- .expect("valid json"),
- )
- .await;
- manager.broadcast(
- ProofState {
- y: PublicKey::from_hex(
- "02194603ffa36356f4a56b7df9371fc3192472351453ec7398b8da8117e7c3e104",
- )
- .expect("valid pk"),
- state: State::Pending,
- witness: None,
- }
- .into(),
- );
- // no one is listening for this event
- manager.broadcast(
- ProofState {
- y: PublicKey::from_hex(
- "020000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001",
- )
- .expect("valid pk"),
- state: State::Pending,
- witness: None,
- }
- .into(),
- );
- sleep(Duration::from_millis(10)).await;
- let (sub1, msg) = subscription.try_recv().expect("valid message");
- assert_eq!("uno", *sub1);
- assert_eq!(
- r#"{"Y":"02194603ffa36356f4a56b7df9371fc3192472351453ec7398b8da8117e7c3e104","state":"PENDING","witness":null}"#,
- serde_json::to_string(&msg).expect("valid json")
- );
- assert!(subscription.try_recv().is_err());
- }