@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
+//! MultiMint Wallet
+//! Wrapper around core [`Wallet`] that enables the use of multiple mint unit pairs
+use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
+use std::fmt;
+use std::str::FromStr;
+use std::sync::Arc;
+use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
+use tokio::sync::Mutex;
+use tracing::instrument;
+use super::Error;
+use crate::amount::SplitTarget;
+use crate::nuts::{CurrencyUnit, SecretKey, SpendingConditions, Token};
+use crate::types::{Melted, MintQuote};
+use crate::{Amount, UncheckedUrl, Wallet};
+#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
+pub struct MultiMintWallet {
+ pub wallets: Arc<Mutex<HashMap<WalletKey, Wallet>>>,
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
+pub struct WalletKey {
+ mint_url: UncheckedUrl,
+ unit: CurrencyUnit,
+impl fmt::Display for WalletKey {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
+ write!(f, "mint_url: {}, unit: {}", self.mint_url, self.unit,)
+ }
+impl WalletKey {
+ pub fn new(mint_url: UncheckedUrl, unit: CurrencyUnit) -> Self {
+ Self { mint_url, unit }
+ }
+impl MultiMintWallet {
+ /// New Multimint wallet
+ pub fn new(wallets: Vec<Wallet>) -> Self {
+ Self {
+ wallets: Arc::new(Mutex::new(
+ wallets
+ .into_iter()
+ .map(|w| (WalletKey::new(w.mint_url.clone(), w.unit.clone()), w))
+ .collect(),
+ )),
+ }
+ }
+ /// Add wallet to MultiMintWallet
+ #[instrument(skip(self, wallet))]
+ pub async fn add_wallet(&self, wallet: Wallet) {
+ let wallet_key = WalletKey::new(wallet.mint_url.clone(), wallet.unit.clone());
+ let mut wallets = self.wallets.lock().await;
+ wallets.insert(wallet_key, wallet);
+ }
+ /// Remove Wallet from MultiMintWallet
+ #[instrument(skip(self))]
+ pub async fn remove_wallet(&self, wallet_key: &WalletKey) {
+ let mut wallets = self.wallets.lock().await;
+ wallets.remove(wallet_key);
+ }
+ /// Get Wallets from MultiMintWallet
+ #[instrument(skip(self))]
+ pub async fn get_wallets(&self) -> Vec<Wallet> {
+ self.wallets.lock().await.values().cloned().collect()
+ }
+ /// Get Wallet from MultiMintWallet
+ #[instrument(skip(self))]
+ pub async fn get_wallet(&self, wallet_key: &WalletKey) -> Option<Wallet> {
+ let wallets = self.wallets.lock().await;
+ wallets.get(wallet_key).cloned()
+ }
+ /// Check if mint unit pair is in wallet
+ #[instrument(skip(self))]
+ pub async fn has(&self, wallet_key: &WalletKey) -> bool {
+ self.wallets.lock().await.contains_key(wallet_key)
+ }
+ /// Get wallet balances
+ #[instrument(skip(self))]
+ pub async fn get_balances(
+ &self,
+ unit: &CurrencyUnit,
+ ) -> Result<HashMap<UncheckedUrl, Amount>, Error> {
+ let mut balances = HashMap::new();
+ for (WalletKey { mint_url, unit: u }, wallet) in self.wallets.lock().await.iter() {
+ if unit == u {
+ let wallet_balance = wallet.total_balance().await?;
+ balances.insert(mint_url.clone(), wallet_balance);
+ }
+ }
+ Ok(balances)
+ }
+ /// Create cashu token
+ #[instrument(skip(self))]
+ pub async fn send(
+ &self,
+ wallet_key: &WalletKey,
+ amount: Amount,
+ memo: Option<String>,
+ conditions: Option<SpendingConditions>,
+ ) -> Result<String, Error> {
+ let wallet = self
+ .get_wallet(wallet_key)
+ .await
+ .ok_or(Error::UnknownWallet(wallet_key.to_string()))?;
+ wallet
+ .send(amount, memo, conditions, &SplitTarget::default())
+ .await
+ }
+ /// Mint quote for wallet
+ #[instrument(skip(self))]
+ pub async fn mint_quote(
+ &self,
+ wallet_key: &WalletKey,
+ amount: Amount,
+ ) -> Result<MintQuote, Error> {
+ let wallet = self
+ .get_wallet(wallet_key)
+ .await
+ .ok_or(Error::UnknownWallet(wallet_key.to_string()))?;
+ wallet.mint_quote(amount).await
+ }
+ /// Check all mint quotes
+ /// If quote is paid, wallet will mint
+ #[instrument(skip(self))]
+ pub async fn check_all_mint_quotes(
+ &self,
+ wallet_key: Option<WalletKey>,
+ ) -> Result<HashMap<CurrencyUnit, Amount>, Error> {
+ let mut amount_minted = HashMap::new();
+ match wallet_key {
+ Some(wallet_key) => {
+ let wallet = self
+ .get_wallet(&wallet_key)
+ .await
+ .ok_or(Error::UnknownWallet(wallet_key.to_string()))?;
+ let amount = wallet.check_all_mint_quotes().await?;
+ amount_minted.insert(wallet.unit.clone(), amount);
+ }
+ None => {
+ for (_, wallet) in self.wallets.lock().await.iter() {
+ let amount = wallet.check_all_mint_quotes().await?;
+ amount_minted
+ .entry(wallet.unit.clone())
+ .and_modify(|b| *b += amount)
+ .or_insert(amount);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Ok(amount_minted)
+ }
+ /// Mint a specific quote
+ #[instrument(skip(self))]
+ pub async fn mint(
+ &self,
+ wallet_key: &WalletKey,
+ quote_id: &str,
+ conditions: Option<SpendingConditions>,
+ ) -> Result<Amount, Error> {
+ let wallet = self
+ .get_wallet(wallet_key)
+ .await
+ .ok_or(Error::UnknownWallet(wallet_key.to_string()))?;
+ wallet
+ .mint(quote_id, SplitTarget::default(), conditions)
+ .await
+ }
+ /// Receive token
+ /// Wallet must be already added to multimintwallet
+ #[instrument(skip_all)]
+ pub async fn receive(
+ &self,
+ encoded_token: &str,
+ p2pk_signing_keys: &[SecretKey],
+ preimages: &[String],
+ ) -> Result<Amount, Error> {
+ let token_data = Token::from_str(encoded_token)?;
+ let unit = token_data.unit.unwrap_or_default();
+ let mint_url = token_data.token.first().unwrap().mint.clone();
+ let mints: HashSet<&UncheckedUrl> = token_data.token.iter().map(|d| &d.mint).collect();
+ // Check that all mints in tokes have wallets
+ for mint in mints {
+ let wallet_key = WalletKey::new(mint.clone(), unit.clone());
+ if !self.has(&wallet_key).await {
+ return Err(Error::UnknownWallet(wallet_key.to_string()));
+ }
+ }
+ let wallet_key = WalletKey::new(mint_url, unit);
+ let wallet = self
+ .get_wallet(&wallet_key)
+ .await
+ .ok_or(Error::UnknownWallet(wallet_key.to_string()))?;
+ wallet
+ .receive(
+ encoded_token,
+ &SplitTarget::default(),
+ p2pk_signing_keys,
+ preimages,
+ )
+ .await
+ }
+ /// Pay an bolt11 invoice from specific wallet
+ #[instrument(skip(self, bolt11))]
+ pub async fn pay_invoice_for_wallet(
+ &self,
+ bolt11: &str,
+ wallet_key: &WalletKey,
+ max_fee: Option<Amount>,
+ ) -> Result<Melted, Error> {
+ let wallet = self
+ .get_wallet(wallet_key)
+ .await
+ .ok_or(Error::UnknownWallet(wallet_key.to_string()))?;
+ let quote = wallet.melt_quote(bolt11.to_string(), None).await?;
+ if let Some(max_fee) = max_fee {
+ if quote.fee_reserve > max_fee {
+ return Err(Error::MaxFeeExceeded);
+ }
+ }
+ wallet.melt("e.id, SplitTarget::default()).await
+ }
+ // Restore
+ #[instrument(skip(self))]
+ pub async fn restore(&self, wallet_key: &WalletKey) -> Result<Amount, Error> {
+ let wallet = self
+ .get_wallet(wallet_key)
+ .await
+ .ok_or(Error::UnknownWallet(wallet_key.to_string()))?;
+ wallet.restore().await
+ }
+ /// Verify token matches p2pk conditions
+ #[instrument(skip(self, token))]
+ pub async fn verify_token_p2pk(
+ &self,
+ wallet_key: &WalletKey,
+ token: &Token,
+ conditions: SpendingConditions,
+ ) -> Result<(), Error> {
+ let wallet = self
+ .get_wallet(wallet_key)
+ .await
+ .ok_or(Error::UnknownWallet(wallet_key.to_string()))?;
+ wallet.verify_token_p2pk(token, conditions)
+ }
+ /// Verifys all proofs in toke have valid dleq proof
+ #[instrument(skip(self, token))]
+ pub async fn verify_token_dleq(
+ &self,
+ wallet_key: &WalletKey,
+ token: &Token,
+ ) -> Result<(), Error> {
+ let wallet = self
+ .get_wallet(wallet_key)
+ .await
+ .ok_or(Error::UnknownWallet(wallet_key.to_string()))?;
+ wallet.verify_token_dleq(token).await
+ }